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Hmmm so I'm thinking I might....


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So today my melanurus wrasse (one of my favorite fish) got caught (red handed or mouthed?) nipping the mantle of my new teardrop maxima thumbsdown.gifmad.gifdoh.gif So he got removed from the reef and added to my 20 long that I have setup as a QT. I don't really wanna get rid of him, but there will be no nipping or biting of the clam mantles..... It just won't be tolerated in this establishment.

Well this got me to thinkin, I got this 20 long all setup got filters, and a heater so maybe I will convert it into a 20 long clam/anemone tank (just 1 for a pair of clowns). Plus it would be so cool to have a clam tank that you could look down into and see the clams from above as well as the front. IMO that is what makes clams so cool. So I thought I would enlist the help of ARC to see what else I may need to get this thing started.... And any advice.

So far I got the tank, two whisper HOB filters, and a heater.

Things I need:

Lights, the T12 flourescent prolly aint gonna cut it for clams spiteful.gif So I am thinking 250 W MH...rock.gif

Live rock, I am thinking maybe 20-30 lbs, want to keep it open so you can see the clams!!! But need something for the nem.

Some sand or crushed coral maybe 1/2" to 1"

ATO would prolly be good

No skimmer planned trying to keep it as simple as possible.

As far as the livestock goes I plan to keep it light.

3 clams (so far)....

A pair of yet to be determined clowns, and maybe 1 other small fish

A nem

and maybe some softies????? Or LPS???? No SPS for now as that's what the bigger tank is for.

Feel free to add any thoughts or suggestions or comment on any place where I may have truly missed the boat.

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I would aim to share sumps if possible like Victoly said. Clams supposedly have a pretty high demand for calcium/alk (akin to running an sps tank) so you might as well tie it into your main system so control of parameters should be easier to maintain. Plus... more stability for everyone. The clam tank would almost be like a mechanical/biological/nitrate filter for your main system.

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Sounds good Rob. Let me know if you need to get rid of that pesky melanarus. smile.png

If something changes I will let you know... Would you really want him?

share sumps with the big tank smile.png

I would aim to share sumps if possible like Victoly said. Clams supposedly have a pretty high demand for calcium/alk (akin to running an sps tank) so you might as well tie it into your main system so control of parameters should be easier to maintain. Plus... more stability for everyone. The clam tank would almost be like a mechanical/biological/nitrate filter for your main system.

That is a good idea, that I had not tought about..... I have no clue how I would do it, and I'm not even sure it would be possible with the way my tanks and house are set up, but it is definetly an idea worth looking into..... Thanks!

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I have a melanurus wrasse as well and was thinking about getting a clam. He destroyed the first one I got but I know the foot was torn. Will they go after clams that aren't damaged?

Well my melanurus was fine with the 2 small maximas that I had he never bothered them, but then last weekend I added a ~ 4" teardrop maxima to my DT. Well he was picking at it from the get go. At first he was just picking at the shell but then I saw him go at the mantle where the exhalent siphon on the clam is. Yesterday I saw him rip a chunk off of the exhalent siphon and chomp it down, needless to say that was it for him.

I think that it is hit or miss with them and clams. I have read a lot that says they will flip them and eat their foot, but I have alos read a lot that says they won't touch them. IMO the best bet is to add the fish to a system with an already established clam. This way you won't be adding something new to their environemnt.... It seems to work for a lot of people who add a melanurus to a tank that already has shrimp, as shrimp are another hit or miss thing with these guys. Just my 2 cents

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Tee off of your return pump and add overflows to the twenty. Easy. As. Pie. smile.png

My biggest issue would be running the plumbing to the 20, as the house isn't set up to put the two tanks right next to one another. There is prolly ~5 ft seperating them, and a decorative part of a walldoh.gif Which I am sure that the wife would not let me alter to run plumbingbye.gif

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I think that's an awesomw idea setting up a tank to view clams from above. I don't see anything wrong with your setup although personally I would use less liverock and LEDs. 2 or of Buildmyled.com's 2' fixtures would light it up pretty good.

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I think that's an awesomw idea setting up a tank to view clams from above. I don't see anything wrong with your setup although personally I would use less liverock and LEDs. 2 or of Buildmyled.com's 2' fixtures would light it up pretty good.

So do you think I could pull it off without plumbing into the main tank? That would be awesome cause as much I would like to plumb to the main tank, the wife has used the veto power on that idea.... So if it happens it would be as is. I was thinking just the clams I could keep up with alk and ca demands by just using a good salt that is high in ca and alk and performing regular water changes. What do y'all think? I do like the idea of less live rock, to keep the tank open but want a good amount for the filtration, any thoughts on what the least amount I could safely get away with???

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Sure, I'll take him.

Sounds good Rob. Let me know if you need to get rid of that pesky melanarus. smile.png

If something changes I will let you know... Would you really want him?

share sumps with the big tank smile.png

I would aim to share sumps if possible like Victoly said. Clams supposedly have a pretty high demand for calcium/alk (akin to running an sps tank) so you might as well tie it into your main system so control of parameters should be easier to maintain. Plus... more stability for everyone. The clam tank would almost be like a mechanical/biological/nitrate filter for your main system.

That is a good idea, that I had not tought about..... I have no clue how I would do it, and I'm not even sure it would be possible with the way my tanks and house are set up, but it is definetly an idea worth looking into..... Thanks!

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I typically use 1/2 lb rock per gallon. If you could plump it into your main tank that would be better but I don't see a problem with what you described in your first post. What is going to be critical is maintianing your pH, calcium and alkalinity and keeping you phosphates in check and there are plenty of products to help with that along with water changes.

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