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Thoughts on Current LED Setup


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Are 24 3w LEDs enough to keep sps, clams and such? My current fixture is an diy led that I had original built for my 29 gallon. I haven't had the fixture up for more than a few days on my 40 gallon... Everything seems to be ok, I'm just concerned about the actual coverage that I am getting. The fixture itself is 6"x16" with 60 degree optics covering an area of 24"x24". Anyone have a par reader that I could borrow over the weekend?

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I'm using Bridgelux 3 watt leds, with dimmers built in. Maybe the lights are powerful enough and I'm just programmed with the mentality of always wanting more power...

How high off the water is your fixture Gig'em?

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I don't know if this helps but this T. squamosa is in a 150 gal system. It was under six T5s (3 39 & 3 54) but for the last 9 months the tank has had 48 3 watt LEDs (2 CW - 1 RB - 1 B) and has been doing fine. The clam is about 1 ft below the LEDs and counting the LEDs for 2' above it there's 24 LEDs.


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I don't know if this helps but this T. squamosa is in a 150 gal system. It was under six T5s (3 39 & 3 54) but for the last 9 months the tank has had 48 3 watt LEDs (2 CW - 1 RB - 1 B) and has been doing fine. The clam is about 1 ft below the LEDs and counting the LEDs for 2' above it there's 24 LEDs.

attachicon.gifT squamosa 0108131800b.jpg


Is the clam still under about 180 PAR like in your previous picture?

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