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FarmerTy's non-build build thread


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Haha, thanks James! Most of the rock is not removable from the tank or else the ole' chisel and hammer were going to get invited to the party.

Well it was good timing that I did the pics and video... at least now I have something to watch in remembrance of my old setup!

It is indeed a huge step but this way I can guarantee a tank where my acros can grow into huge colonies without worrying about possible pests that can ruin that dream.


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I didn't think about free floating AEFW. I didn't think they would be in the water column. I wonder what size micron filter would be sufficient to filter them out of the water?

I couldn't really tell if there were any flatworms as I used a pretty high concentration of Bayer. There was mostly sps slime and a bunch of stuff stuck to it... and I think I pretty much committed genocide on my mini brittle star population. There were at least 25 dead ones at the bottom of the treatment bucket.

The marks on one piece of coral I thought had potential to be bites but it was actually polyp formation areas. There was however one worm that I saw that could have been a AEFW but it looked a little to red to me. Might have been a red planaria if I had to take a guess.

Yes, I am glad it is only 6-8 weeks versus months!

My next step is to kill any encrusting base left in the tank from the removal of my acros tonight. I was thinking of epoxy over the larger pieces and scraping the smaller. Anybody have a better idea out there?

Epoxy would probably work the best. I was able to super glue mine but I could take my rock out of the tank.

I think a normal filter sock would be sufficient. I saw a post on RC recently that the reefer was doing weekly dips without QT and he hasn't seen any AEFWs since the first week. Not sure I want to go through all the work of weekly dips and miss an egg etc.

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  • 1 month later...

Just a quick update, 5 weeks later after the initial dipping program and no sign of AEFWs... though I did murder about 50 mini brittle stars, 80 asterina stars, 30 stomatella snails, and about a dozen limpets. I'm not going to even try to count the number of amphipods and mini-snails that were killed!

So, at least my paranoia can cease now about my precious SPS collection succumbing to AEFWs. It was a big precautionary step I took but I am happy with the decision. I don't intend to add any more frags to my system and plan to just let everything grow out for the next year. If I do decide to add any more corals, I will add a bunch of corals all at the same time so I can setup the QT and QT them for a month prior to adding to the display tank. I say that as I know olaggie will try to tempt me with some beautiful SPS sooner or later. Haha.

So now, back to the regularly scheduled program of checking my water parameters 1/month, emptying out the skimmer cup weekly, feeding the fish, and cleaning the front glass. I think I am going to hit the cruise control button on my tank and get back to more watching and less time with my hand in the tank.

My watching journey will start with this:



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Thanks Niko. I would highly recommend doing it on your new tank. We spend a ton of money on livestock and not enough money/effort safeguarding it. While transferring everything to the new tank, dipping in the old one for the few weeks preceding the transfer would fit in the schedule nicely. Hit me up if you have any questions on dipping your coral with Bayer Insectide. It works like a charm for SPS though I will be honest, I haven't tried it much on LPS and zoas but I heard it works just as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another quick update. Snapped some additional shots as my SPS are coloring back up nicely. They are almost there but still need a bit to go (at least they aren't brown anymore like it was post-dip). Slowly but surely I am getting my tank back!

Please forgive the overproduced-ness of some of the photos. Was playing around with the photobucket in-house pic editor to get my phone pics up to par with what my actual eyes were seeing and some of them came out like coral glamour shots. LOL!

My tricolor


Right side of the tank


Maricultured tenius (almost there, it was a little more blue and then had green rings surrounding the polyps)


Vivid Strawberry Shortcake (the tips are the correct color, now just waiting for the rest of the coral to catch up)


Center shot of my tank


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Now, what to do with all my little frags that broke off when I was doing my dippng campaign... I got a hot mess of little SPS frags (couldn't really even call them that... more like SPS encrustments).

Look for something on the for sale forum sometime soon... need to get rid of them and reclaim my sandbed and frag tank.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope I can get the 210 sometime this summer... it will come just in time because I fear my colonies will outgrow this one soon! Fragfest!!!

Thanks guys for the compliments... I will work on getting a better camera than my camera phone one day.

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  • 2 months later...

Oh, and on that note after you have been distracted with pictures of corals... I am officially putting my zoa frag-a-thon on hold until after the wedding. So, end of July is when the scalpel comes back out! whistle.gif


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