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free in Pflugerville?


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If I was laid off, putting things in my tank would be the last thing on my mind.

Which, is why he is asking for free corals. Calling his judgement into question probably isn't what he came here for. Nor did he come for a life coach.

I don't think anyone is calling this person out for asking for free coral. It happens all the time on the forum and people oblige it. However, to come in to the forum with little/no introduction and/or interaction and ask for concierge service was off putting when there was no prior interaction between the user and the rest of the club.

Participate a little in the forum and try again later.

I agree with you in that he is new and probably should've supplied a little more information about himself, his set up(s), etc. However, the comment made was completely unnecessary.

While I don't think that his outright asking of people to bring free corals to his home was the best thing to do, I can see that it wasn't said in a demanding manner, nor was he trying to just grab some freebies and take off. Like everyone has stated, this is a family and a tight-knit community of very generous and caring people. That being said (many times prior to this), jumping down someone's throat because they slipped up isn't what our community is about. Nor making a jab at someone's judgement.

SourDatx, no harm done. I suggest, like others already have, making an introduction thread and getting yourself a little better acquainted with our community. You'll come to find that people are far more generous, kind and caring that what has been displayed here if you just give it time, and let us get to know you better! smile.png

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Sorry to hear that you got laid off. I know what it's like to be tight on money, (college student lol). As far as asking for free stuff, that's fine. Just understand that people aren't really going to be willing to pay gas money to deliver things. They shouldn't be mad at you for asking and you shouldn't be upset that they aren't willing to bring it to you on a silver platter. I agree with everyone saying that you should make a build thread. That's the first thing I did, and it's helping me meet people a great deal. Good luck, and welcome to ARC. You should also join MAAST by the way!

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I was interested in the watermelon but was attempting to trade for them, not purchase as everyone on this thread knows my current situation. I got a little cash and tried to get out to meet some folks today, others of you I'm sure I'd be fine without meeting. I'm in a very awkward spot with cash right now so unless anyone would like to talk and get to know me and my exact situation I'd appreciate all the trolls to crawl back under there bridge or troll someone else. I'm meeting a few good people who didn't take what I said and twist it and run 100 miles with it and they have been very nice and understanding once they talked to me and got to know me better. This is the first forum and club I've ever joined so forgive me for not knowing the order of operations here. And on that note, on the plus side I finally found a nice frag of some blue pulsing Xenia ;)

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"I'd appreciate all the trolls to crawl back under there bridge or troll someone else."

"others of you I'm sure I'd be fine without meeting"

these are not nice things to say.

;):);) neither was half of this thread bud, we're big people and we will all get over it huh? I'm a very nice guy when given the chance, people will come to see this when/if they give me the chance.

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Welcome to the club SourDatx. Hope you find what you are looking for. I don't have much, or I would glady bring some to you on my way to work. Trying to finish up filling the 3 tanks that I have, and I'm working on putting together 2 more. I'm in the same situation as you. I volunteered to be laid off from Dell on the 16th of Jan. Was supposed to be Nov.28th, but I went on LOA. Been here 13 years. It's not stopping me from pursing what I want either.

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