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Need Help with Clown/Nem IDs

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I want to post more pictures in my Fish that George Has Seen Scuba Diving thread, but I need definite IDs first. I figured I'd ask ARC as most of you know these better than I do. Please post your ID thoughts for clown and anemone IDs.

There weren't really any anemones off of Oahu, so the poor Hawaiian clowns had to associate with coral instead. I could use IDs for those, too.

1) These are near the Corsair wreck off of southeastern Oahu, around 120' down.



2) These are a few miles away on the west side of Diamond Head (near Waikiki Beach) about 100' down. They're probably the same species as above.



I'll post some more from Okinawa later. They're much more interesting.

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Ok, that'll go into my "other fish" post, so I'm glad you nailed it down.

Here's some pictures from the southern Ryukyu Islands, Okinawa on 26 May 2011. Most pictures are probably from the 45' deep drift dive. I'll number them (number above/before picture) so people can refer to specific pictures. Some are picture of the same thing from different angles, but I included them so it felt like I had more pictures.















Ok, I think the last one is a wrasse, but it really liked that abandoned mask.

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Have you tried correcting the color in these at all. It may be easier to get a better id on them. I would guess 3, 4 and 5 are ritteri but hard to tell without seeing the base. Magnifica for 1 and 2.

No, those are raw photos. Thank you for the help.

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