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WTB: Fake Coral/Sponge


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I am having a hard time finding decent-looking fake coral/sponge. I'm looking for some nice, bright colors such as reds, yellows or oranges. I don't want them to look too fake, as we all know how gaudy and completely unrealistic some fake coral is. Most anything that has branches is ideal, but not too small. I want to place the fake coral/sponge in a 100g tank.

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I saw some really nice fake colored coral at world market for $20. It was mounted on a glass base and i had it in my hand but decided to buy it another day. It's about the size of a volleyball and they come in different colors and shapes. Similar to this one http://www.etsy.com/listing/75719103/coral-blue-tinted-real-coral-mounted-on

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I'm about to setup dwarf horses in a pico, for hitching sites I just planned to use macro algae like red grapes and a few other branching macro that provide hitch sites.

Perhaps something like that might help

Do you know where you are getting your macroalgae? I think that is a great idea. It will probably look a lot more natural that way. My seahorses love the caulerpa that is already in the tank. When I first put it in they all swarmed to it to hitch.

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