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I added this frogspawn to my tank about two weeks ago, I placed it higher up in my tank on a ledge and it did not seem to want to pole up so I moved it down to the sand bed, and it looks like it is starting to open up more than it was up where I had it.

I don't think their is a lot of light reaching it, mostly because I don't have much of a sand bed but it's the only place that it will fit on the sand bed. Do y'all think that it will be ok down their?

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Ok cool, It's opened up more since I moved it this morning, I just did not know how much light it needs or rally anything about it, my girlfriend likes them so we got one, and I know that they will eat brine shrimp and stuff like that, and don't need to much light.

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So the frogspawn that I moved to my sand bed, I woke up this morning and more of it was dead, I don't know what to do. I've only moved it two times from where it was to the sand bed. Does it need more flow and less light? Or leases flow and more light.

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I got this one from Juiceman several weeks ago and put it in the sand near the corner where it gets decent flow and it's thriving. It's in what looks like the first little alcove from the left. My tank is 21" deep with LEDs. I only have two powerheads which are on either side near the top.



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Also, keep in mind that it takes a coral time to adjust to being moved. Really you should give it several days if not a few weeks to adjust before deciding it's not doing its best.

I would reitterate Etannert's advice. At this point it may doing poorly because it's been moved to many times too quickly to acclimate. Moving it any more is just adding to it's stress level and would not be good. Also keep in mind handling these corals will cause them to fire off most or all of thier nematocysts leaving them vulnerable to being picked on by fish that would normally bother them. And to reitterate ClarkiiCircus what do the polyps look like? Is the polyp actually dead? Sometimes the tissue on Frogspawns can suck in very tight around the skeleton so there is no expansion seen at all.

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In my tank I only have 5 fish

2 snowflake clowns

2 yellow watchmen gobys

And a lawnmowerblenny

I have moved it twice nothing more than that, once from the fish store home witch was around 3 weeks ago and than 2 days ago moved to the sand bed.

Is this a frogspawn?


Edited by christian
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My tanks produce a lot of plant growth and algae, for him to live, and I've had him for around 1 and a half years.

But the frogspawn looks even worse today, it's all white on the side that stared to die but now it's covering more and only a small portion is a live.

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It's ok yea it's a brown and purple monti it's the biggest coral in my tank than my flowerpot coral then GSP. It's ok I took the coral out of the tank because it was starting to smell really bad, and I don't have a way to remove the dead section of the coral, and my girlfriend said get rid of it :( I hate seeing corals die its sad. All the rest of my corals are doing great though.

Thank you for all your help.

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