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What do I need to check?


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I'm in the process of getting my tank in shape for some softies. I purchased some red gracilaria from Reef Cleaners and added them to my tank a couple of weeks ago to add some color and help with the nitrates. After two weeks they're turning brown and falling apart. The pH is 8.06, the alkalinity is 3.2, the nitrates are 10, the salinity is 1.020. It looks like I need to bring the salinity up a little bit, but would that do it? Any suggestions on what I need to check?



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The bioload may not be very high. Just four fish that I feed once daily. I'm also running a SWC cone skimmer. I run metal halide lights with no actinics. I'm hoping my lights are good enough to support softies. Maybe I've got my tank running good enough that I don't need the macro algae. I do have some red mangrove in my refugium that are just now rooting. They've not sprouted any leaves yet. Not sure of my phosphate levels, but I'm guessing low. I'll have to check those. Thanks for your input guys.

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