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ocellaris clown pairing


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Hey guys,

I currently have a ocellaris and a maroon in my 75 they normally stay away from each other but they are starting to fight in the middle. Anyway Im going to have to get rid of my maroon or move him to a different tank.

My question is could I get another ocellaris (smaller) and would they pair? I think it would be really cool if they did but I dont want to endanger either one. Thanks.

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My ocellaris female lost her male not too long ago, and I literally just dumped a new one in there and they began to pair almost immediately. Ocellaris tend to be the easiest to pair as far as pairing goes. They are relatively unpicky, and will go for different colors, sizes, etc. My suggestion would be to get one that appears to be docile and submissive at the store (IE, not one bullying and chasing all the other fish), and put him in a breeder basket for a few days to let her check him out. Release, and monitor their interactions for the first few days! Yes, she might chase him in a corner when you feed, after all, its "her" tank now. As long as you dont see torn fins, you should be a'ok. Look for him to tremble as a sign their bond is growing strong, and he is showing submission. If you do see actual, serious aggression, put him in the breeder basket and try again in a week or so.

Once again, a naturally submissive new fish is key! I tried to pair 2 before, in which one was female, and the other was a little too headstrong. It didnt end well.

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