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Bristle worms


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That is a pretty big 1 Bio.

I'm on the fence on these still. Just recently picked up some bristle worms in a rock with corals that I purchased. I dipped them, but somehow they survived. Killed off all the brittle stars, but guess they are tougher. Did get a few of the smaller 1s. Wasn't too wild about it, but it's growing on me. Bristle Worms were the main reason I shut down my aquarium the 1st time around. I thought there was nothing but negatives to them, and I had a lot. I had an eel who was a messy eater. Once he ate the puffer I decided it was better just to buy new rock, sand, and crushed coral. Trashed 100pds. of liverock.

Lots of different opinions on them.

I seen some articles saying they destroy corals.


Some say they eat fish. Here is a video of 1 eating a silverside. Although, Im not sure if a fireworm is the same.

Im just not sure, since the rock is in my seahorse tank. Worried about them, because they are slow movers.

However, I do like the fact they eat leftover food. Seahorses are such slow eaters, and make a mess.

I dont have time to suck up their uneaten food 3 times a day, so I let it be.

I have a pretty nice clean up crew, but I guess it just got better.

I really like the new rock work, and dont feel like rearranging it.

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I agree with you Niko. They are on the fence and not for every tank.

I see them as opportunistic feeders, meaning they will eat what ever is easiest to catch. In the tank they are in there are two damsels, yellow tang and blenny all these fish are fast and able to get away. I would never allow bristle worms into my seahorse tank if I could avoid it, if they were in there I wouldnt worry too much but I would end up making an acrylic feeding trough to clean up the left over food easier, and probably at the end of the night put some leftover food into a worm trap and place it in the tank once a week to pull out any worms I could since they would be looking for food. I will one day have a tank devoted to the bristle worm, and I want to see how large one will grow. I'll start with a single worm and dry rock in a pico tank to ensure nothing else hikes in. Then feed him and see how well he grows. I'll upgrade the tanks as needed so he doesnt get cramped up to much.

That video though was really cool! Never seen one do that, makes me excited to see one grow and watch its habits.

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Haven't thought about trapping it or possibly them. Going to investigate 4 awhile and see how big it is and its behavior.

That would be an awesome tank build/research experiment. I would enjoy following that. Going to see if there is currently 1 out on the web. Maybe u can get 1 to grow this big.


Yeah, that bristleworm took down that silverside without a problem in that video. Scary, but pretty cool. When I had my eel, he would get tired of anything I fed him. Thus why he decided to take down my puffer fish.. I would give him awhile to see if he would take it, or sometimes he would take it and decide he didn't want it after all. Worms were not shy at all. They would be popping up all over the place. Never saw anything like that video though.

I've been talking to ct67stang about these little critters, and he made me realize something. These are a part of the ocean cycle, so why not let them be apart of mine.

Awesome build by the way. Setup is sick. Enjoyed your biocube 1 as well.

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Thanks man :)

I think they are great clean up crew and pose little problem but as they get larger and able to catch fish (and apparently eat them whole!!!) thats when I start to wonde if the best place is my DT. I'll often move them down tot he sump to keep the clean up going otherwise I move them into a system that they dont pose a risk.

I know at some point they will be too large for any of my system and at that point I'll have to figure out what to do with them.

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