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Watch the AAF ebay auctions and possibly their website. They have duncans almost weekly in their auctions. I have 2 - 15+ head ones I got from them for around $1 a head. Otherwise $2 - $10 per head is common depending on the polyp size and color. Larger polyp strains as well as bright green or purple tend to be more expensive. I've got one with nickel size heads and another with 1.5 - 2" heads so there's a lot of variety out there. They're all great coral though IMO.

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i bought that frag from liveaquaria, the coloration is pretty awesome. I started with a single head, and now I have three. It multiplied rather quickly. If you decide you want to order from LA and not spend a ton on shipping, you should think about doing a group buy. Also, check out the grape coral they have, its beautiful. I have purple and green heads.


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