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13 leds too much for 4g nano?


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Is this too many? I am doing a DIY led build and currently have 13 leds in mind.. I think it will be too much. I am not planning on doing SPS, but it would be nice to have the ability to.

I am doing the solderless leds, could I put them on the fixture and then later if needed wire them in?

Or should I just tone it down a little?


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I have no experience keeping nanos but if you found the right corals and aclimated them you should be able to get some really brilliant colors. Keep in mind sunlight is about 1600 PAR and some corals species are found exposed at high tide. The fluorescing protiens corals produce is a response to excessive light. The protiens are also "excited" by different wavelengths between 340nm and 570nm so you could include other colors including some of the near UV leds.

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I have no experience keeping nanos but if you found the right corals and aclimated them you should be able to get some really brilliant colors. Keep in mind sunlight is about 1600 PAR and some corals species are found exposed at high tide. The fluorescing protiens corals produce is a response to excessive light. The protiens are also "excited" by different wavelengths between 340nm and 570nm so you could include other colors including some of the near UV leds.

I may go back to 13 leds.. grin.png

I originally had a green and a red led. May throw them back in the group. They have a dimmer that I am going to get as well.

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Lol, I just put a 150w HQI over a 16g AIO! I want SPS!

Nice! I would do SPS if I could mod the 4g AIO to have a sump and have a good skimmer, couple of reactors, and bump the water volume up to ~20-30g. So that I wasn't relying on weekly water changes for nutrient export.

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i think you can probably make a distinction between what is actually "too much" (ie will fry everything in the tank) and "overkill" (more than is necessary to grow anything you want to grow). LEDs are relatively inexpensive on a per LED basis, but for the purposes of the contest, an extra 16 bucks could be better spent elsewhere IMO (5% of your total budget on something unneeded).

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i think you can probably make a distinction between what is actually "too much" (ie will fry everything in the tank) and "overkill" (more than is necessary to grow anything you want to grow). LEDs are relatively inexpensive on a per LED basis, but for the purposes of the contest, an extra 16 bucks could be better spent elsewhere IMO (5% of your total budget on something unneeded).

I agree. The main issue is to have that amount of leds I will need multiple dimming drivers... which would put me out of budget. I could always add later if needed though. Im trying to put everything in/on the tank I want so that after the contest I dont have to upgrade or add anything to it.

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