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Apex users, do you keep a backup base unit on hand?

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there should be an understanding that this is *not* anyone's full time base unit and should *not* be used for more than maybe two weeks while the user's base is under repair. Users are responsible for picking up the unit from whoever had it last. the likelihood of two people needing it at the same time is pretty slim, but whoever asks first gets it first.

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well, the thought is the backup unit would become that person's main unit, and the refurbished one becomes the backup. the problem with returning the original backup unit back to being the backup is that we wouldn't know if it's 100% functioning, whereas the repaired one should be returned 100% functional from Neptune (i still need to confirm if they do completing testing beyond verifying that the original defect was fixed).

any one else have ideas on handling of the "returned" backup unit?

btw, i was gonna keep track of serial #'s to ensure which unit is which.

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That seems fine to me. As long as we keep track of the SN of whatever the current backup unit is, we should be fine. I think if you use the backup, you become the keeper for the next in line, that way we're not having to work out logistics of constantly getting it back to a person who has an unequal share of responsibility.

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