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Apex users, do you keep a backup base unit on hand?

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A couple weeks back my area had a couple power outages. I have my entire system plugged into GFCI and have all but one EB8 (out of 2) plugged into a UPS. The UPS kept all essential devices running as it has always done. However this time, when the power was restored, one of the Variable ports stopped working for some reason. Fortunately I don't use all four of them and just reconfigured my setup accordingly.

Now this got me thinking about what-if scenarios like if the Apex base unit actually failed in a system critical feature?!? Neptune makes available for purchase a backup base unit for a slightly discounted price ($205 vs $225). Does anyone keep a backup themselves? It's an expensive piece of equipment to just have laying around.

Another thought is what if ARC kept one on-hand for it's membership? Or we could do some sort of co-op situation where a group of us invested in having a shared backup?


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i use a solar backup i made costed 150 with used car batterys and broken solar cells i bought in bulk and a 1k transformer i took from a car at the junkyard still have over 200 solar cells if anyone wants to try it out can run my system about 20 hours with no power and everything turned on

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i use a solar backup i made costed 150 with used car batterys and broken solar cells i bought in bulk and a 1k transformer i took from a car at the junkyard still have over 200 solar cells if anyone wants to try it out can run my system about 20 hours with no power and everything turned on

I can't tell if you're drunk or amazing.

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I think ARC having one available for premium members to borrow until their replacement comes in is a great idea.

There are a few issues with ARC having one that pretty much apply to all the other "expensive" equipment the club owns.

First off is how to acquire it, as we generally don't pay for new equipment to hold and sit on the shelf for emergencies. Most loaner equipment the club owns is either donated or picked up by me when I see deals on used equipment. Occasionally equipment will be provided by a sponsor (like our Aquatic Life return pump), but usually if I have to choose between spending $$$ on a piece of equipment or booking a speaker for the monthly meetings then I'll choose the speaker to provide more bang for the buck to all members.

Second is the issue of storing the equipment. It's not always easy to meet up with members when they want to borrow the equipment, and even more difficult to get the equipment back in a reasonable amount of time. Often members are really energetic when picking up the item and not nearly as willing to drop it back off. And yes, I'm generalizing here.

All that said, I still think that the club having emergency equipment is a good thing. I need to update the list, but we currently have a 55g water drum, (2) 150w MH clip on fixtures, the 12g QT tank, various rubber maid containers, diamond-coated glass drill bits, a gasoline electric generator, and many others.

I'm open to ideas of how to make this work smoothly. And I apologize to Mitch for the thread jack. biggrin.png

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I recently had one of the plugs on my EB8 stop switching and it would just stay on all the time. I called about sending it in, but that brought up the same problem, what will I do in the mean time?!

They said "most" people find this the opportune time to purchase a back-up! lol! would have been nice to borrow one instead of buying another

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i use a solar backup i made costed 150 with used car batterys and broken solar cells i bought in bulk and a 1k transformer i took from a car at the junkyard still have over 200 solar cells if anyone wants to try it out can run my system about 20 hours with no power and everything turned on

I can't tell if you're drunk or amazing.

its hard ti reply hiding phone under desk lol

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i use a solar backup i made costed 150 with used car batterys and broken solar cells i bought in bulk and a 1k transformer i took from a car at the junkyard still have over 200 solar cells if anyone wants to try it out can run my system about 20 hours with no power and everything turned on

I can't tell if you're drunk or amazing.

Maybe drunk and amazing?!? :)

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Definitely not thread jacking... this is the direction I was hoping for devil.gif

Anyways, having ARC pay up front is why I suggested a co-op style purchase. However only those members who previously "bought in" would have access with the co-op purchase. I rather pony up a fraction of the cost for a backup solution vs bearing the full cost my self.

Storing and having members return in a timely manner can be figured out, eg the borrower pays a refundable deposit ($200?). My only concern would be verifying that the base unit returns fully functional.

Just my $0.02.

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If ARC gets an initial unit (not saying how or easy), then when a co-op member's unit breaks they can purchase the one from ARC (for the replacement cost). That way they get a new one right away and ARC can replace the backup without the rush. I think that would work better then worrying about the loaner being damaged and/or returned slowly.

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From a timeliness and cost perspective that's a slight advantage over having Neptune overnight the unit - theoretically can get the replacement unit in-hand < 24hrs and don't have to pay overnight shipping costs ($?).

So what does the member do with their faulty base unit? Pay for the repairs then have a backup? Or does the repaired unit go back into the co-op (vs co-op buying another one outright)? Theoretically Neptune would have done all the testing before it gets returned, so that would hopefully alleviate concerns for the point I brought up earlier.

It's kind of like buying into an extended warranty program where the replacement device is a refurb.

Edited by Mitch
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  • 2 months later...

You should buy it and then offer to rent it out for $10 per day if no one joins right away.

Hmm, probably not something I would do as it's not really an equitable arrangement. I would be investing the $200+, while borrow(s) have minimal/nonexistent cost to have access. What one buys into IS the access, and that's why I had hoped ARC could maybe take this on as it would be another great benefit for being a member.

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I was thinking of it as a rental property. Your not gonna make your money back in the first rental but if you rent it out for 20 days you have made the cost of the base unit back. But I see where your coming from not wanting to tie up in that investment. Seeing this though does make me want to start watching the classified for another apex system. I can always use more eb/dc bars and for the right price I'd grab it and let the base unit sit for rentals :)

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If we were able to recruit enough people, we could make this happen with little investment from each of us. At 4 people, it's a ~$50 buy-in. At 10, it's only $20. I'm in no matter what. I've already got one member signed up if we get 4+, and another if we get 8+. Any others?


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Excellent question! My immediate thoughts is a departing member could sell his position in the co-op, but i'm open to your suggestion or any other regarding this general arrangement. I'm just trying to be resourceful.

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Go on reefcentral, check the going rate on used apex base unit, divide amongst users and have them paypal the balance, whereby their ownership increases by whatever fractional percent they paid. I'm in, contingent on more than 6 users (~$30 buy in)

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Go on reefcentral, check the going rate on used apex base unit, divide amongst users and have them paypal the balance, whereby their ownership increases by whatever fractional percent they paid. I'm in, contingent on more than 6 users (~$30 buy in)

I think I'll ride victoly's coattails on this one (same requirements). If there are 6+ members, then there needs to be a plan for how it's handled with multiple users.

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