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Hippo tang


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After putting my new hippo tang in the tank yesterday my sailfin tang rushed him several times and flashed his fins. This may have lasted 10-15 min then the sailfin went back to minding his own business. By the end of the night the hippo was running around exploring the tank and all the caves. I found him this morning in an alcove. I figured he would come out once the lights ramped up. He hasn't moved yet. I just tried to get him to move by putting my finger near the rear of the little alcove and pushing him out. When i tried that he seemed to dig in harder and not budge. Is this normal behavior for a hippo?

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As he starts to associate you with feeding, he will over time become use to you and not run and hide. I have 3 Hippos in my 180g and they seem to just be naturally a little skidish even after 15 months in my tank... They now only run for cover when I actually have my hand in the tank, but they are the first of all the fish to do so.

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My blue hippo gets a little bolder as he's matures, but he's still a spook. It's common for them to hide and lay on their sides. My sailfin seems to have adopted this behavior...which was scary the first few times. Lol.

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