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Bartlett Anthias Breeding?


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I have 2 female and 1 male Bartlett Anthias' that I got from Stephen a while back when he was doing All WYSIWYG.

I stopped seeing the smaller of the females for about a week so I just assumed she was dead. Just recently she began to come out of a small nook on the right side of the tank to eat when I feed. She stays in that nook almost all day and night. I see the male go into the nook every now and then also.

Is it possible that they laid eggs in my tank and she is protecting them?

Any other thoughts

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Anthias actually are pelagic spawners, so they won't "lay" eggs anywhere persay, but rather, release them in the water column. I would just assume something in the tank is being aggressive towards her, which is why she comes out to do only what she needs to do to survive: eat.

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