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What to do with unhappy zoas


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I've had some different zoas just decide to close up randomly after no changes to the tank. It has happened from time to time and sometimes they will open back up after a couple days, other times they never open and melt away. It's never a mass effect, and usually limited to one particular frag plug.

Has this ever happened to any of you all? When it does what is your course of action. I normally start getting concerned when they don't open for 2 or 3 days. I've tried dips, less flow, more flow, lower light, higher light. Can't seem to figure out why they close up. I've looked and looked for months and never have seen any nudibranches or pests on the zoas either. Looked with flashlights in the middle of the night, and dips haven't revealed anything. They just seem to close up. Limited to one species at a time

Currently it is my "punk rocker" zoas. Silly name but that's what I've heard them called. Ever since I got them they've put out new polyps and have been my biggest most colorful zoas. 3 days ago they closed tight and haven't opened.

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I'm right there with you. So frustrating. I can never find anything wrong either and have tried all those things too. The only thing I've found work is to put them in a completely different tank. So frustrating :angry:

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It's so odd! My monti caps are all growing and have awesome color. My toadstool and finger leathers are growing well. My favia is happy, but my zoas seem to be biting the dust one species at a time. My gsp doesn't seem to want to "take off" like I hear it does too.

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That is the bad thing about zoas. They just melt sometimes for no reason. For me, I have found the best thing to do is just leave them alone. The more you move them, the more stressed they become. I've had some close up for a week and open back up looking brighter and better than they did before. That's not always the case though.

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I'm going through this pretty badly right now.

Totally random. Colonies I've had for months growing lots of new polyps, then one day stop opening and slowly disappear.

But they are right next to colonies, sometime even touching colonies, that are growing stronger than ever.

At times I think it would be better to have a massive die-off rather than just a few things die for seemingly no reason. At least with a massive die-off I would hopefully be able to find and fix the problem.

Over the past 3 or so months I've lost; Golden Nuggets, darth mauls, la lakers, eye of sauron, purple hornets, and several more I can't even remember. All from different locations in the tank, and all right next to other zoa colonies that are still doing fine. Never had 2 colonies next to each other die off or seem in trouble.

VERY frustrating.

I mentioned it to another member last weekend and he pointed me towards a thread on r2r about Vitamin C dosing supposedly helping.

I'm going to give it a shot, but not holding out much hope. http://www.reef2reef...-vitamin-c.html

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I've been dosing Vitamin C and have had excellent results. The brand that the threads I have read are referring to and the one I have been using is this one http://www.nutribiotic.com/sodium-ascorbate-16oz.html. I put about 2/3 of a teaspoon per day in Belinda's 34 gallon zoa tank.

Don't expect overnight results but after 3 weeks I started noticing stronger, more vibrant zoas. No melt downs in the 3 months we have been using it.

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It is definitely very frustrating.

Something has changed to cause ill effects. Is it lighting? flow? pest? placement? water chemistry? algae? Infection? Ah, the fun game of narrowing down the cuprit. So many variables...

If it seems to be going from one colony to the next I would be on the lookout for some kind of pests. Certain snails, large bristleworms as well as STARFISH. You seem to be doing everything you can. Some zoas dont even really want any light at all. I have a few pieces that are barely getting any light from my actinics and probably none from the MH's and theyre doing great. Dont be afraid to toss them in some corner...you may be suprised how much they like it...or dont. A low flow with moderate light seems to do pretty well.

When I experience this, I first decide wether or not moving it is a good idea, as this may just add stress. Check all my parameters and so on...I have had problems with some algaes and corals rooting into my colonies as well as everyones favorite. Aiptasia! Dont get me started on them lol...So, remove any unwanted crap. Then if I want to provide less light I have a frag rack I placed rather close to the surface of the water. It seems to be a sweet spot for me. They get a little indirect light from the MH's and all of the actinic/leds.

I only collect zoas and palys now for the most part and have definitely had my ups and downs. I've had my Red Devil for about a year and only have 4 polyps and my God of Wars for about 6 months and I have 20+. Who knows...

Also, about the vitamin C, that is good to hear your getting positive results from it. I have looked into it...I just dont like to alter my water chemistry.

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Thanks for the replies. As I said, I've looked to no end for pests and haven't seen any but I still continue to look. Getting to the point to where I may just put the breaks on adding any more livestock to the tank for a while. I was wanting to add more zoa varieties and more lps but I'll let the tank just run a while. It's not a super old tank. The rock was cured, but besides that it has only been in my care for 6 months

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I've been dosing Vitamin C and have had excellent results. The brand that the threads I have read are referring to and the one I have been using is this one http://www.nutribiot...rbate-16oz.html. I put about 2/3 of a teaspoon per day in Belinda's 34 gallon zoa tank.

Don't expect overnight results but after 3 weeks I started noticing stronger, more vibrant zoas. No melt downs in the 3 months we have been using it.

+1 on this! I dont do it right now. But over the past two days I have been reading a lot about vitamin c dosing. I was fixing to start a thread to see other opinions. It seems to not only be good for zoas, but everything in the tank. I have read positive reviews on the kent marine c or whatever its called. I might buy some on the way home to try it
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