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What are these tiny white startfish looking things?


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I noticed these guys all over my glass today. I think they came with the algae I order from ReefCleaners, so I'm hoping they aren't bad. Anyone know what these guys are and if I need to get rid of them? If so, how would I go about it?

This is a pic I pulled from google images.


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Thanks for the info. Goes along with what I read on some other forums. They are too small the physically grab, but hopefully I can siphon them out. They are all over my glass and seems like they multiplied rather quickly over the last two days.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2

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What's weird is I just noticed them on my front glass. I saw some in my 20g over a year ago when it was immature, but I haven't seen any in my 125g that's now 11 months old. I added the Frogspawn from RCA and the mushrooms from AquaSD, so I guess they could've come in on those. I think I'll fire the UV sterilizer back up and see if that ends them.

By the way, that's a great picture. Did you take it? If so, can I use it?

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