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Some corals are hardier than you think!


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Ok, So I won this on last week from Austin Aqua Farms


I went to pick it up on Saturday at about 4:00 just before they shut down. I put it in the glove box so that it wouldn't change temperature too much since I was still running errands. Well I forgot about them when I got home.

I didn't remember about them until about 3:00 the next day!!

So they sat outside in the cold during the day, the night, and the morning the next day.

When I pulled it out, it was very cold, and closed up. I put them into the tank to hurry up and get them out of that temperature. Within minutes, they started to open up. Before the end of the night they were 100% open like nothing happened!

Might have been different had it been an SPS, but hey, I won't complain!!

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My buddies duncan got murked by a file fish (who knew?). It had 10 or so heads. When he brought it over to baby sit, there was maybe a couple spots that had tissue on them. We figured they were gonners. After two weeks, Its back to 8 heads and the tentacles are starting to grow back. The file fish ate off all the tentacles then went after the centers....

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Duncan's are about as indestructible as they come. One of the most under-appreciated coral IMO. It doesn't sting. It doesn't use much if any chemical warfare. They don't really care what condition the tank is in, nor how high or low the lighting or flow is. They look really good.

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