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small CO2 setup


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Aquadome may have some. DFS and ome of the other online retailers definitely carry them. Do you have a ph controler, or are you planning on using a semi-automated / timer method?

They're not especially cheap unless you DIY. I think a full Milwaukee reg and solenoid was cheaper last time I looked at them.

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Sorry, completely forgot to respond.

Basically there are 3 methods, a yeast, semi-automatic and fully automatic. The yeast method is a simple yeast reactor that you add sugar to. The yeast creates CO2 and you pump it into the tank. There is no active control in this type of system.

The other systems use a CO2 bottle. The semi method uses a timer to turn CO2 on during the day and off at night. You need to carefully monitor and adjust until you get the correct rate for the tank. Once setup it's fairly stable, but you still need to test CO2 levels to prevent injecting too much. A drop checker is the safest way to do this since it is a constant visual of the current CO2 levels in the tank.

The full auto system uses a PH controller to start and stop CO2 as needed. CO2 is added, and when the PH drops past a predetermined point the controller shuts off CO2. When PH climbs again the CO2 turns back on. This keeps the tank at a consistent PH/CO3 level.

As for recommendations.

Something like this: http://www.amazon.co...ref=pd_sim_sg_4

is perfect for a paintball DIY setup. You still need a diffuser or CO2 reactor. These didn't exist last time I was looking for a setup. Should be a cheap way to use a paintball tank.

http://greenleafaquariums.com/ sells some fantastic drop checkers, and you may be able to find some on ebay that look really good. Using a timer, run the CO2 during the day. Start with a very low bubble rate until you reach the desired CO2 concentrations in the tank. Use a CO2 - PH chart to estimate the required amount of CO2 based on PH. Use the drop checker as a visual reference to the current levels in the tank.

If you want to go with a full auto, check out the Milwaukee controller and regulator. Last I checked it's the cheapest way to go. It's a bulletproof reg and solenoid that should easily outlast any fish tank you use it on. I've actually seen used ones for under $75. You just need to replace the PH probe every year or so.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah it'll be inconsistent if you let the yeast die off and then replace it with a fresh batch that will inject a lot of CO2 very rapidly into the water. You could change out the bottles at their peaks so they don't ever dwindle off, but I was too lazy for that. Plus I didn't have anything that was that sensitive to changing CO2 and pH levels so I didn't mind. But yeah, if you're looking for something to connect and leave alone for a while I would go with a CO2 injection cylinder.

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