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All I Want For Christmas Is......


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I have a 29 biocube with some clowns and an anemone and a 130 FOWLR with nothing but snails and hermits at the moment.

I was mostly trying to come up with small or less expensive items that would be easy for my in-laws who know nothing about aquariums to buy for me. I bought myself some 12 inch tweezers the other day to spot feed the anemone and thought "these would have made an awesome stocking stuffer, I wonder what else I can ask for like this?"

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Gift cards. I've tried this about 5 times. Even with a list, and even with an online wishlist, you end up getting something that you didn't pick out. This isn't always a bad thing, but in a hobby like this, you either want/need something or you don't. I feel bad if someone gets me something I can't use.

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Gfo and carbon reactors. Dosing stuff. I was gonna ask for that stuff but the wife informed me it would be better for the family if we just asked for HEB gift cards so we wouldn't have to buy gas and groceries for a while. Curses. Why does doing the right thing have to be so lame and boring lol. Oh well. Guess ill just have to take all that gas and grocery money I'm saving and spend it on reactors and dosing gear!

Edited by Bpb
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