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DI Resin


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any one have DI resin that i can buy. I bought a water general Rd102 on recommendation from a member here . I havent used it that much but i am seeing empty space in my resin container. Also noticed that the TDS meter was showing about 20-30 ppm. I want to set up a new tank 90g (+ 30g sump) in the holidays this week so not sure if i buy it online that i would get it in time.

unit -->http://www.ebay.com/itm/AQUARIUM-CORAL-REEF-RO-2-DI-REVERSE-OSMOSIS-PURE-WATER-FILTRATION-SYSTEM-RD102-/200653584356?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eb7e2b7e4

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I have some you can have in Round Rock if you want it...dunno if it is enough to fill both di canisters but it is easily enough for one (it is in ziplock bags and has started changing color due to exposure to air but it has never seen water) - free or you can give me a beer or a frag :)

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