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APEX LED Dimming, What am I doing wrong

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does your driver say on the label it has a grey wire? or does it say green?

Either way the grey is going to be the green I would think. The Chinese systems I have messed with extensively always used black or grey as the ground for some dumb reason.

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should be something like 6,3,5 if your insisting on using those numbers which isnt a good way to do this.

5 is yellow

6 is puple

3 is green

Really need to use A B format thats why its printing on the keystone jack.... the numbers arent right depending on what format your in its just the location across the front of the pin.....

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The colors don't match. Look at pics on page 4. You gotta remember I have no clue what I'm doing.

Yes I had no clue either at 3 PM yesterday, everything I know at this point and am able to do I used a 9v battery and did hard tests then applied that across websites that taught me the jack properties. Wasnt fun at all.

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Maybe people just dont get what I mean A or B format.

Look at the jack or pics on pag4 you notice it says A and B at the back edge where wires feed in.

A on top B on bottom, then we have solid squares and half squares indicating wire coloring of those formats.

move the driver wires into correct color formats :) it makes sense in my head but one thing I've learned is I dont think like others apparently cause people keep telling me I think weird and too confusing.

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Also I will say that after playing with these drivers and dimming them I can see myself in the future ripping the BML driver out and putting a meanwell in.

I dont enjoy the fact that 1 when there is no signal it is at 100% on and with 10% signal it is on 10%. Meanwell is opposite if it is 100% on then there is 100% signal or 10V signal if it is off there is no signal...

With this type of driver I will have to dim my variable speed to take it to 10% then I have to turn the outlet off to kill all light. A meanwell you can leave the outlet alone and control all light with just the variable speed.

I might see if its possible to just buy the light rail with no driver for less and put my own driver with it. I like the light style and all but this driver i dont like.

true story :/ might be a deal breaker for me on a bigger tank. outlets are premium for apex, and the ability to turn off via wxm or the variable speed ports is huge. like i said, BMLED needs apex gurus. will work for lights.

Best Idea ever!

I would gladly spend more R&D time on the apex for some additional fixtures smile.png after all I still need two more tongue.png

Still the best idea from this entire thread.

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Update with working solution from BML:

Nick from BML provided me with the picture attached. If you wire the 4 ft fixture in this fashion it will work properly with the APEX.

Understand that when nothing is plugged into the jack on the driver it will be at 100% when you plug the apex in and have the variable outlet off it will be at 10% witht he variable outlet at 100% the light will be at 100%. To turn it off completely you will turn off the outlet to the LED driver.

Nick is also looking into a solution for the outlet having to be turned on and off. He has some schematics that show drivers that operate with just manipulating the voltage and already has ideas on a solution. If I learn more towards this I will update.


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Sorry if this is a remedial question, but I had assumed with the use of a power bar you could ramp lights up and down that were dimmable. And when you ran out of power bar outlets, you could expand via ethernet and another power bar. Is this not accurate? Or is everyone attempting to free up an outlet using simply ethernet into the apex to control BML's on-board dimming module?

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