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Majano's or Duncans


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I took these on my phone when I was at my dentist a few weeks back. They have a ~ 200 gallon tank in the lobby.

Originally I thought these were duncans as they are the exact color, but I couldn't figure out how they would have spread all over the rock like they did. If you look at the base they are actually an anemone. Majano's are the only ones I could think of that could spread like this. THey are definitely not BTA's. They are very attractive but there must be 3,000+ of them in the tank. The frogspawn is holding its own for now...



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It's definitely green. It's actually not a bad looking tank. The ambient lighting was low and I wasn't planning on taking a picture so the phone quality is what I could get.

I've done some IT work for them and I can guarantee nobody there is running this. I'm sure they use a tank service which is odd because I wouldn't think a commercial service would setup a 200 gallon tank with 5000 majano anemones. Maybe they operate a majano rescue for the whole city or something.

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holy crap.. where is your dentist? my fiances dentist apparently has some kind of reef aquarium in the waiting area, but I have yet to check it out.

How can there be so many Majanos but no signs of Aiptasia? Also, towards the bottom, looks like there are some palys or something trying to live..

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Slaughter and Westgate.

There's zoas, paly's, some random mushrooms, in there as well. I think there was a massive (~20") tongue coral and some scoly's or similar on the sandbed last time but not in these pictures. I'll bring my camera next time I go. I have a family member that works there, so maybe I can take a trip sooner.

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