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Blue SPS ID?


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doesnt have to be deep blue to be the oregon tort, a lot of corals look different in other peoples tanks, I myself have 2 different oregon blue torts with 2 different shades of blue, one is really light and the other is a really dark blue. In the pic that you posted above the growth resembles that of a tort in my opinion, I could be wrong though!

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It's under 20k ish LED's so I have a hard time getting decent pictures with accurate color.

I have a Cali Tort also and this does not have the same coloration under the same lights.

My first reaction was a blue cali A. tortusa. It looks like it the picture was taken with just actinic lights, is it just the way the picture came out or are you running the tank real blue?

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Yeah, my first reaction was a cali tort as well but it's hard to tell with the bluer cast on it from the picture. I thought you only had the actinics on so I was going to ask you to take a picture with regular lighting. I heard LED is hard to photograph but I have no experience with it. Coloration would take awhile to match if its a newly acquired piece... and I'll have frags of the same coral in different places in my tank look totally different. So... final answer.. I don't know what it is. Sorry! Haha.


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the top pic is so blue i was gonna say Baby Blue Teraki, but the pic when u 1st got it looks like Chips Acro needing to be colored up. The pic dshel1217 posted looks like pearlberry. The are just my suggestions

I have a Chips Acro nearby it, but that's not it. I think the one he sold me is in the background of his pic.

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