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update pics with new livestock


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Finally found my charger for my camera. So I decided to snap a few shots last night when I got home from work.





Solar Wrasse










GSP (Thanks Robb!!)


Lagassi the Emerald crab


Edited by kmacc05
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either way, i like the look of it alot.


Has an ethereal look about it... almost as if you were diving and came across a secret coral reef that nobody has found before. Well, let's say a miniature diver.

lol I like that description. This is probably the 8th time I have rearranged the rock work. I would like to keep it the same, but anytime something needs to be moved, I can never get it to the same way it was before. I'm going to have to tear it down tonight because of a newly added flasher wrasse that I think is dead. He has been in the rocks for 3 days now. So deep in the rocks I can't even see him. And before that he wasn't eating and his mouth seemed stuck open. He got stuck in the net at LFS when they were putting him to the bag and I think it broke his jaw or something. Sucks. But hopefully I can put the rocks together the same way again. I really like the way it looks now.

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Yeah, it's like an odd law of reef tanks. You move the rocks and your aquascape will never be the same again. It's like a reef commandment. Thou shalt not move live rock or else bear the punishment of your aquascape forever lost!

I'd get a turkey baster and just blast the heck out of the area between the rocks until your dead little fishy comes out. At least they could be a good first try before having to move your aquascaping.

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Yeah, it's like an odd law of reef tanks. You move the rocks and your aquascape will never be the same again. It's like a reef commandment. Thou shalt not move live rock or else bear the punishment of your aquascape forever lost!

I'd get a turkey baster and just blast the heck out of the area between the rocks until your dead little fishy comes out. At least they could be a good first try before having to move your aquascaping.

lol yeah I hear that. I have never been able to make it the same unless only one rock is moved. As for the baster, I don't know if he will get shot out. He is so deep in there I almost can't see him.

That turkey baster idea is a good one. I feel that the less we mess with our reefs, the better they do, and aquascaping is a pretty intense change. Although it is definitely hurricane season...

Yeah, I try not to change mine at all once I get it where I like it. But there is always something getting knocked over by a darn turbo snail or my big hand. Then it's over. Complete change!

If you have a sufficient clean up crew, there is no need to get him out. Food for everyone including beneficial bacteria. I had a fish die about 6 months ago and within 24 hours only the skeleton remained.

What would be considered sufficient? I have about 8 snails, 6 hermits (small) 1 cleaner shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp and 2 emerald crabs.

I just don't want an ammonia spike to happen because of his body decomposing. Also, if I can get it out, I can get full credit at LFS. That's $35 I don't want my CUC to dine on.

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Got you on that. $35 is an expensive crab/shrimp snack. If you don't have much algae growing in your tank for the crabs to munch on, don't be surprised if you can't find him already.

I hope this is not the case. If so, well you win some and lose some. It sucks, this is a fish that I have wanted for a long time and I finally picked out a beautiful one and he got the bad end.

plus, why add more nutrients to the tank than are already there? If you can get the dead fish out, you should.

Agreed. I will be on the hunt as soon as I get home from work. Starting with the fish then a WC.

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For sure, get that dead fish out of there. My clean up crew destroys anything that might have died but I aim to remove if possible. In a larger tank you might not notice the ammonia spike but in smaller systems, it may be disaster. If it is stuck somewhere I can't get however, I am confident in my clean-up crew doing its job and just aim to do a water change in the coming days.

If you can't blast the fish out, put that turkey baster into full suck mode!


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For sure, get that dead fish out of there. My clean up crew destroys anything that might have died but I aim to remove if possible. In a larger tank you might not notice the ammonia spike but in smaller systems, it may be disaster. If it is stuck somewhere I can't get however, I am confident in my clean-up crew doing its job and just aim to do a water change in the coming days.

If you can't blast the fish out, put that turkey baster into full suck mode!


This is in a standard 55 gallon. If I can't find him, do you think the tank is big enough to not suffer from ammonia spike?

also, does the CUC I listed earlier in the thread seem reasonable? Or should I have more of something?

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On another hand, since we have been discussing bad stuff in the tank. Can anyone look at the candy cane in the second pic and tell me if you think something might be wrong with it? It's not looking as good as when I bought it. I thought it might have been a result in moving it around, so I've left it where it is at for a week or so and it doesn't seem to be getting better.

I've had fish disappear in my BC29 with no adverse consequences. Just do a big water change in a few days if you can't find the corpse, and you'll be fine.

Doing a water change tonight after I hunt for the lost fish. I hope I can find it.

Nice setup K!

Thanks Robb! That GSP you gave me is doing great!

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Cleanup crew looks solid. I'd be surprised if most of that fish wasn't gone already.

The candy cane does look pretty pissed. Don't know much about your setup but generally too much light or flow is to blame. 3rd problem may be water quality if not the first two.

Mine generally don't like much flow. They don't like to be blasted with lights but can be acclimated to it over time.

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