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Is this an Anemone?


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Picked up some base rock from the local fish store and this fella was riding along. They were nice enough to sell it to me without charging, but I couldn't figure out what they were calling it. I thought they were saying rose bud anemone but the other person that was there with me thought they said rose bubble (coral).

Any thoughts?


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The base rock was in a tank that had anemones in it. I'm trying to remember what the label said, it might have been bubble tip, but.... I think I'll have to go back and look again. The guy that was bagging the rock for me acted like i was getting a major steal.

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It's probably a rose bubble tip (RBTA) then. Very few people deliberately keep majano's because they can get out of control really quickly. Definitely a good catch for live rock. I was assuming this was just some arbitrary live rock you picked up in which I would assume the worst.

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I'd just watch it carefully. If it is a RBTA you got a good deal, at 3-4" they usually sell for $60-80. So while it may just be a baby, still a good deal.

How old is your tank? Typically you don't want to stick anemones in new tanks, but it might do alright.

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the tank is really young. About a month and half old. I wouldn't have added an anemone on purpose, but now that I have him I'm going to try my best to keep him alive. Any recommendations? It snagged a piece of mysid shrimp that I was feeding to the clowns last night and I took that to be a good sign.

I have a 29 gallon biocube. Pretty much stock. I took bioballs out and added live rock to the middle compartment. I have a skimmer in the intake compartment, though I'm having trouble getting it to work correctly. Total of about 20 pounds of live rock.

The actinic bulb is burned out but I'll be replacing that in the next day or so with either a new bulb or a LED retro fit.

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You're doing all the right things. A little more light might be better for it in the long run, but it sounds like you have that covered. Just stay on top of water changes, and make sure you keep an eye on the RBTA daily. If something looks funky, let us know. Even a relatively small 'nem in a BC29 could have pretty devastating effects if it decides to go thermonuclear.

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the tank is really young. About a month and half old. I wouldn't have added an anemone on purpose, but now that I have him I'm going to try my best to keep him alive. Any recommendations? It snagged a piece of mysid shrimp that I was feeding to the clowns last night and I took that to be a good sign.

Most people suggest waiting 6 months to a year before an anemone, but seriously with a BTA they're hardier than most coral. In my old tank if I messed something up, my BTA's would just split a few times to let me know, which is much less desirable than you would think. As long as you have sufficient lighting, and remotely stable params, I wouldn't worry about him.

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99.7% sure its a RBTA. I had a piece of my RBTA's foot tear off when I was trying to move him and it turned into something that looks exactly like yours about a month later. After a second month it was a beautifully formed RBTA which I then sold for some nice cha-ching. smile.png

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Looks like RBTA, One member on here sold me a "mojano" as a baby GBTA its obvious the diffrence after you've stared at a mojano for 2 months deciding with friends if it was good or bad.

Still shocked that the member even sold it to me as a green BTA, he is claims to know his stuff but now I question his info.

On the good side I did learn he had mojano's and aiptasia in his system and was able to avoid all frags and refugium algae from his tank.

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