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Joining the Dino party


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George do you feed a lot? Do you run a skimmer at all?

Yes, probably heavier than I should. I'm running a slightly oversized skimmer and a TLF 550 GFO RX plus feeding less than before, and that seems to help. I have mostly ornamental crustaceans which are basically a cleanup crew on steroids and corallimorphs which like dirtier water, so I don't want it too clean. But I don't want dino and need to eradicate the valonia (bubble algae) and cyano.

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Good luck. My dino faded out after sparse feeding while I was gone for over a week. The cyano is still there, but I can get rid of it by siphoning about 2-3g per week (minor water changes, really). It's like picking up clothes before a guest comes over, before anyone can look at my DT I need to suck out the cyano.

Did you hear anything on the city water quality?

No, my friend works as a biologist, and not in the chemistry dept at the city. She pointed me in the right direction, but I got sidetracked.

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About two weeks ago I started feeding 1 1/2 cubes of frozen food because I was worried my CUC wasn't getting enough to eat. The fish seemed to be eating up all of the food from one cube. Within 4 or 5 days I also had a breakout of the brownish looking stuff that would form a film over the sand (running my finger over it it felt like a solid smooth surface). It also started getting stringy. Several days ago I went back to one cube and am just now starting to see a reduction. I also just changed the program on my vortech's to the nutrient transport mode. Man...I was surprised at the stuff that became suspended in the water that's now getting removed.

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So I have an email out to the water quality lab for the city of austin, but this is the silica data that was available online (in mg/l). The two values represent the silica at each of the two water treatment plants that serve different parts of the city (the first represents south austin, the second represents everything north of the river)

3Q2011 - 8.1/7.1

4Q2011 - 9.1/9.4

1Q2012 - 6.8/6.8

2Q2012 - 9.9/9.4

So it looks like there is an increase during the winter months. The question for me is how effective my RODI unit is at removing silica, and if I have passed some kind of threshold where the excess is feeding diatom growth. I also have some GHA going on, which tells me i have NO3/PO4 excess, so it's probably a combination. We just need richardL to send in a dummy sample of tap water to AWT so we can see :).

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In my system, the Dino really liked the low flow and old but bright 6500k light in the refugium. So much so that it smothered and killed all the chaeto, and formed a 1/2" thick coating on the glass. I put a plastic knitting screen in there to act as a Dino scrubber and it worked. All Dino disappeared from the display for 2 months and I was harvesting it out of the refugium. Refugium cracked and leaked all over the floor. No more fuge, Dino showed back up in the display. Fml. Using multiple filter sponges and a 1 micron filter sock on my overflow now. I'm afraid my tank would suffer worse if I fed less but well see

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It may be seasonal as suggested. i live in East TN and I started seeing the same thing before I left on vacation a couple of weeks ago. You can check out my Vacation Dilemma thread for the pics. It looks pretty nasty now. Being a relative noob to this hobbie, I wasn't sure why I had this brown dusting on my substrate all of a sudden when i hadn't changed anything. My RO media needs to be changed and it arrived while I was away so I'll be doing that sometime this week. I don't know what dinos are, but it sounds like I don't want them:)

Edited by Wade
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in conclusion, it's totally gone... maybe it was the kalk dosing, maybe it was a tank maturity thing, maybe it was seasonal.

I've had the same stuff on my sand bead for a long while too and it's finally gone. There are two things that I did: 1 change my membrane, 2 added more flow directed toward the sand. Not sure which of these solved the problem, curious if you did either of these?


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I did not change my membrane, and I didn't really mess with flow either. I turned my mp10 up 10%, and I removed some locline I had on my return, but those were to address surface agitation, and I don't think they really impacted the bottom of the tank at all.

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