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55g or (preferably) larger aquarium


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Hi guys, I currently have a 30 gallon tank for an aquatic turtle (eastern painted) and another turtle friend will be arriving soon! I would like a much larger tank for the two of them.

A problem that I have is somewhat limited space. I could make room for something longer than 48" (length) but it would require shuffling 6-7 pieces of (hundreds of pounds of) furniture. Unless there is an amazing deal out there, I'm not interested in anything over the 4' long mark. Height and width variations are okay, though I would prefer something that's more tall than it is wide as my turtle likes to dive after guppies/minnows.

In a perfect universe, I'd find a magical (and mythically affordable) 75-90+ gallon tank. Let's be real, though. I'm pretty poor. I don't think I can go over $1,000 for a total on everything. I have found a serious aquarium sale at a store on S Lamar where I could get a 90 gallon tank (48" long) with almost everything I need for ~$700, which is painful, but I will go for it if I cannot find a better deal on anything used.

This request is serious and will be checked frequently until I find something that will accommodate my turtles (& minnows!). I will need a new filter, lighting, etc. and will be interested in certain types of aquatic plants, as well. I'd like to know what tank I'm getting before I make any of those decisions, however. This request will be updated once it is fulfilled.

Thank you for your time,


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keep your eye on craigslist. most of the complete system sales here have to get rid of livestock first, and then tank/stand/equipment. I'm not saying it won't happen here, I'm just saying your luck will probably be much better finding an inexpensive system that will fit your purpose than here. good luck!

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I have a 75 drilled that I'm gonna sell for $50 (has small chip in glass edge that has been smoothed out and leak tested.

also have another one thats not drilled but does have fresh water haze on the glass. It should wipe off, I just haven't gotten at it with some elbow grease. asking $75 for it.

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Dang you bio if i would have known you has a drilled 74l5 that would have worked.perfect for my wives tank

At the time I was panning to use it then bought a new tank to replace it so its going to market lol sorry!!

Did the glass hole saw work for you?

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Hello everyone,

The hatchling turtle is smaller than I anticipated - the breeder told me 2" - the little guy might even be less than 1 inch in length. Of course my 3" turtle thought it was a snack! The hatchling needs time to grow before I can have both turtles in the same tank. This complicates the situation and makes it a matter of necessity to find another tank quickly - one of my turtles is in the laundry room sink!

Thank you all for replying and getting back to me. I will keep this updated as I figure out what the heck I am going to do, ha.


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Hi again guys, I ended up getting another tank for the little guy until he can grow more. I needed another tank because generally, each turtle needs a minimum of 30 gallons each in order to give the filter a chance to keep the water safe after waste is 'issued.' It's also a quality of life issue.

I now have two 30 gallon tanks, which is a bit ridiculous looking because one is filled and the other is totally sparse, haha. That's okay, though! They are both pretty happy. I suppose this is better because now it gives me a longer time to find an appropriate tank for both of them at a cost that I can afford. I'll keep my eyes peeled but probably won't need one for 6 months - 1 year.

Thanks again for all your responses, you have been very helpful. I can't wait for the day that I get to have a turtle aquarium and a fish tank! Probably not until I finish law school, though. And a couple years after that!


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