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Hole in TUNZE 9002 from Magnet Removal


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I was wondering what type of plastic or material I should use to cover a hole in my Tunze 9002 skimmer. I was trying to remove the magnet so that I could fit the skimmer in my 34g Solana (which I have now found out is adhered quite strongly to the product) and the plastic underneath broke off with the magnet. I had read that the magnet isn't too hard to remove, so that's why I took a shot at it. It seems like a lot of people had success. However, Tunze used quite a bit of adhesive on this one. So, now I have a hole in a skimmer I have never used before. Are there safe plastics that I can obtain here in Austin? I only need a small piece. I already have the aquarium-safe silicone. I have attached a photo of my crappy handiwork.


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