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High Calcium?


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If you do 1 gallon at a time, and replace with pure Ro/Di, it will take 15 gallons to get down to 1.026. I would probably go this route with a gallon every 12 hours and save the water you remove for future water changes assuming it has decent parameters.


Edited by jestep
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Does anything else look stressed in your tank? Fish or coral? If not, I'd do it over the course of a couple days. I'm sure decreasing the salinity in 12 hours probably won't really affect anything but if there is nothing rushing it, why push it.

I know if I was used to 88 degrees and you suddenly turned down the thermostat to 72 and told me that was the new normal, I'd be freezing my tail off. I know the example concerns temperature and not salinity but you know what I am saying. Slow changes in this hobby is a good rule to stick by.


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You may want to do a gallon every 6 hours. It's so high that I'm surprised anything is alive right now. I think you would be safe with that much considering where it's at. Or do a gallon every 6 until you get down to about 1.03

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Could the high salinity be a factor in the high calcium? I got the Salifert test kit on Friday and go the same results...500+

Since there is a measured amount of calcium in the salt mix, if you add more salt, the calcium would go up with it.

If you use a ratio and you know the manufacturer rated Ca concentration in your salt mix you should be able to estimate where it would have been due to that.

Let's say your salt mix Ca is 400ppm at 1.026 Sg, or 34.5ppt (just an arbitrary Ca amount per volume). If you increase the Sg to 1.044 or 58.1 ppt, your Ca would be near 675 ppm. So, your increase in Ca could definitely be directly attributed to the very high salinity, and given the circumstances I would definitely say it's the cause of it.

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