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MACNA Jewels


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Just a few of the pretties I brought home from MACNA. My zoa collection is getting closer to being complete. I now have over 125 different zoas. Of course, there will always be a new one that I *must* have.

Magic Morphs PE




An unknown with a metallic purple body and a green oral disk. These guys get BIG.


This unknown glows a bright metallic silver under actinics




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Blue Agave PE


Chucky's Bride, an oldie but goodie


An unknown on the left, White PE on the right


These are not named, but they are unbelievably bright even under normal lighting, they just slap you in the face under actinics


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LOL@victoly grin.png

I've actually got a few that are sexier than that, but for some reason their pics didn't turn out.

I also picked up the most amazing Cotton Candy micromussa, and a true aussie fluorescent green duncan. Oh yeah, also some bright metallic red giant blastos, and, and, and.....

It never ends.

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See what I mean about slapping you in the face. Crummy pic, and you STILL need shades


And these blastos, just WOW. When fully inflated and happy, they are nearly the size of a silver dollar. I've never seen anything like them.


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Awesome corals! I'm curious to see how the fragged elegance corals that Clarkii and Dapettit won at the ReefGeek booth are doing. I'd always been told not to try to frag elegance, but both frags looked like they had seen a bandsaw recently.

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Bandsaw + Elegance coral=<shiver>

Never would I try that, never, never, never.

I've heard of a method to frag them, but whacking them in half was not part of it. I would be interested in how they do as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome corals! I'm curious to see how the fragged elegance corals that Clarkii and Dapettit won at the ReefGeek booth are doing. I'd always been told not to try to frag elegance, but both frags looked like they had seen a bandsaw recently.


My elegance (I had no idea thats what it was) is doing great! No signs of tissue decay or anything (which is surprising, because I LOVE to feed my fish, and also LOVE to avoid doing water changes). Its in my 10gal under the coralife actinic and 10k. I'll take a picture tomorrow when he's more open!

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