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Starting out - Need skimmer recommendations


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Here's all I know on the subject which is based solely on my anecdotal experience. I have a Reef Octopus cone skimmer that skims beautifully for about 3 to 4 days then the amount of skimmate drops off dramitically until I clean the neck. I bought an automatic neck cleaner which has only been running about a month. It seems to have only added a couple of extra days. The cleaner paddles can only clean the cylinder part of the neck so the cone doesn't get cleaned which I think minimizes its cleaning potential.

Also, I don't know if the rest of you skimmer people have this issue- epoxy putty makes my skimmer overflow. I have to run carbon for about 3 days before I can turn the skimmer back on when it happens.

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Also, I don't know if the rest of you skimmer people have this issue- epoxy putty makes my skimmer overflow. I have to run carbon for about 3 days before I can turn the skimmer back on when it happens.

Epoxy blows them up for sure. I used some chemiclean a long time ago and kept the skimmer going below the cup just for oxygenation. Let's just say there is no such thing as below the cup with that stuff.

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Also, I don't know if the rest of you skimmer people have this issue- epoxy putty makes my skimmer overflow. I have to run carbon for about 3 days before I can turn the skimmer back on when it happens.

something I ever thought about but you might have just explained why a friends tank flooded one night.

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Also, I don't know if the rest of you skimmer people have this issue- epoxy putty makes my skimmer overflow. I have to run carbon for about 3 days before I can turn the skimmer back on when it happens.

something I ever thought about but you might have just explained why a friends tank flooded one night.

Yeah that's why I never hooked up an external tank to my skimmer cup for fear that it would overflow when I wasn't watching and drain down the tank!

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Here's all I know on the subject which is based solely on my anecdotal experience. I have a Reef Octopus cone skimmer that skims beautifully for about 3 to 4 days then the amount of skimmate drops off dramitically until I clean the neck. I bought an automatic neck cleaner which has only been running about a month. It seems to have only added a couple of extra days. The cleaner paddles can only clean the cylinder part of the neck so the cone doesn't get cleaned which I think minimizes its cleaning potential.

I just wanted to second this and say that is what I understand to be true, (owner of reef dynamics explains it). He doesn't recommend the neck cleaner because he wants you to clean it... like every day. I am not that ambitious, but yes they function so much better if cleaned properly and regularly. I would say that is something to note about skimmers is yes they are another thing to take care of.

BTW microwaved hot RO water down the venturi air tube clears out salt creep awesomely, I do it once every 2 weeks.

Then you have to run the pump in vinegar water every 6 months or so.

Ahh the joys.....

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mmmm....i agree with Tim and Subsea, i have a skimmer (skimz SM201) i can tell you if i want my color to be deap run it dry. I stopped skimming to the point where i had ALOT of algae red,green, yellow etc. I added GFO and Carbon (left the skimmer dry) and the algae went away but so did my color. Its all about NUTRIENT EXPORT and how much your system needs to achieve the colors required, to have everything look beautiful. I think in my system if i turned my skimmer off i would have tons of relay bad algae and realy realy great colors if i could see the corals. i try to run everything in the middle to achieve the growth/color i want. Remember this is JMO, but i did stay at a Holiday Inn last night

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mmmm....i agree with Tim and Subsea, i have a skimmer (skimz SM201) i can tell you if i want my color to be deap run it dry. I stopped skimming to the point where i had ALOT of algae red,green, yellow etc. I added GFO and Carbon (left the skimmer dry) and the algae went away but so did my color. Its all about NUTRIENT EXPORT and how much your system needs to achieve the colors required, to have everything look beautiful. I think in my system if i turned my skimmer off i would have tons of relay bad algae and realy realy great colors if i could see the corals. i try to run everything in the middle to achieve the growth/color i want. Remember this is JMO, but i did stay at a Holiday Inn last night

If you look at the ULNS tank running zeo or other methods, the colors are surreal. The coral's zooxanthellae which are naturally green and brown do not have the ability to grow in huge numbers so you see the coral's most genuine colors. This is why they can sustain pastel and even white colored coral in near zero nutrient systems without them actually being bleached.

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I think we've come full circle back to the advice that we here on this board have always given: there are lots of different ways to run a reef successfully, the question is, what type of reef are you looking for? There are many successful formulas out there - if you are a newbie (even a once-experienced newbie), pick one and stick with it long enough to master it. Don't reinvent the wheel when you're playing with living creatures. Research, research, research (which you're doing). And again, know what it is you want in your tank, and what you want out of your tank experience, and that will guide your decision making process.

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there is alot of reading on here and much useful information. As far as skimmers go, i personally believe its not something you would need for quite sometime. Keep up your water changes and build up your bio filtration and the only thing a skimmer serves as is security. I have a 30g cube with a refugium of practically the same size as display and I dont have nutrient problems. I do about a 15% water change every week and a half and my skimmer does nothing but waste electricity. It is nice to have as back up but if it died i prob wouldnt replace unless something major happened to my system

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I won't make a specific recommendation as I'm skimmerless as well. I've done fine without but, others have different goals, systems, and maintenance methods so "each to his own".

However, I will make a general statement about aquarium equipment. Please look at the dimensions of any equipment you purchase. My number one reason for returning stuff has been geometrical. Something may be the top rated, best priced, wonder doo-hickey, but if it doesn't fit in your space, tank, stand, then it ain't right for you! tongue.png

Measure stuff. It will save you time and $ and gas and frustration. This applies outside of the marine hobby as well.

Tape measure is your friend.

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As far as the OP goes, I'd recommend a reef octopus skimmer. They tend to be a popular brand and should be available used frequently. Make sure you look for a mesh wheel or needle wheel. Venturi skimmers are not as efficient.

As far as lighting goes... What do you wanna do? Softies/ LPS? SPS? Need more info before I can recommend anything in regards to this subject.

Welcome back to the hobby!!

- Ben -

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Thanks for all the info and recommendations. I didn't realize this was such a highly debated topic! I am not sure if I would be 100% comfortable with running no skimmer. It's what I remember and my tank stayed clean and clear with it. I would be interested in learning about a skimmerless system, but for now, I'll just stick to what I am most at ease with.

As for lighting, I want something that will allow me to have LPS and SPS. I don't want to settle on my lighting and I will invest in a good quality, long lasting fixture that I won't change my mind on a few months from now.

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