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499 Gallon in wall


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The framers came back!

So we got something done today, although some of it was done wrong... Anyways, the wall for the fish room is up now, this shows roughly what it will be like except the bottom wall under the opening will have to be removed because the wall will just be the stand there.

The opening is 84" high because as someone suggested it is important to have front access, so there will be cabinetry over the top front.

The room! Notice the door to access the rear from the pantry


And the views from the back door and through the wall from upstairs



I also have a piece of rock in the cycling tank now so there will start to be a little color/life in there in about a month I guess.

Lights should ship this week, need to re-order the dosers, and then its just getting the tank onto the stand somehow!

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what are your plans in terms of humidity control for the fish room?

There will be a ceiling exhaust fan venting to the outside, I will have it wired so that I can plug it into the apex and turn it on for a few mins every once in a while, not sure how much yet though.

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or you could use a humidostat like this one:


connected to an apex breakoutbox. you need to be aware that when you wire up the humidostat that the "on/off" will be reversed from what it normally is. So when the apex sees the switch as "on" the vent fan should actually be "off".

here's a thread about it on RC.


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So the framers wont build the stand until the electrician is done, so that will probably be some time next week. In better news the tank is made and crated (though they wont send me pictures... I hope it looks how I want!). It should go on a truck around today and get here in 3-4 days after that.

Exciting times!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So still no news on the stand or anything major on the house front, I saw that they had the electrical all finished up in the tank room, but I asked them to move one of the outlets for me, so hopefully that gets done because there is no power on the one wall now.

So on to what is new. First I have some of the lights in and here is a picture of my rock cycling tank with my one coral/source of bacteria and about 100 lbs or rocks getting ready for the big tank.


And my one coral which lost all its color but it is coming back now that I have proper lights


And I have a small QT system set up now for treating new fish with the tank transfer method.


That is 2x 2.5g tanks with their own heaters and air pumps etc.

And my new fish!


It is a tiny blue Atlantic tang that I got today from elegant reef, should have him in the rock tank in about 14 days, and I guess at that point I will have a real tank smile.png

Tank is set to ship on Tuesday but since the F1 race is this weekend I think I will set it back another week if possible since I wont be around to deal with it. I found some movers that will pick it up and put it on the stand for $347 insured, so I think that is going to be my plan. They think they can move it with 4 guys, I doubt it but it's their problem if they cant.

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I wish I knew! Whenever the house is done, such is the downside of a custom house. In other news the stupid fish died last night, don't know what the cause is but I suspect it was overly stressed since it was being kept in 1.031sg water in the store.

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will elegant reef give you a credit on the dead tang?

Typically the only stores give credit on FW fish and thats with a water sample. so many things can kill SW fish. A store that keeps their tanks at 1.031 is crazy, this is first too high of a salinity and second wastes money by wasting salt. I'd let them know that I found 1.031 SG and see what they say since that would stress the fish before it was even in the owners hands. But this is assuming the refracts used are all calibrated and actual refracts no hydrometers used.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What is a good level of humidity to maintain anyways in there? It seems that people target around 25-30% in their houses, maybe like 50% would be OK to hold in there?

I'd do a little experimenting on your own with this to determine where you want it. I would think that lower is better, but if your dehumidifier fan is on 24/7 maybe you could find a happy medium where it's only kicking on for a few hours a day when the humidity calls for it.

The advantage of low humidity (other than preventing mold issues) is that you're going to be able to use evaporative (fans over the water surface) cooling more effectively than if your humidity was high..

For reference, the humidity in my house right now is 49% (running a humidifier for my sick boy, and no AC running to dehumidify). However, i have a small covered tank and don't lose much to evap at all.

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