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New to ARC and the Reef Hobby


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Just getting started in the reef hobby, I have had large salt water tanks in the past as well as many fresh water tanks but excited to learn as much as possible about reef tanks. Currently have an 8 gallon nuvo cube by IM set up and running with a xenia and a zoa. Starting out slow with the goal of getting this tank running solid with a few corals and a small clown then working on getting a large predator tank set up. I'm a full time independent personal trainer, so if there is interest I will do a thread on training/nutrition/bodybuilding and share my knowlege with yall who are teaching me so much about reefing.

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Welcome to the club! I'd love to hear about the saltwater tanks you've had set up in the past. I have a few nanos myself and I'm really enjoying them.

I had a large fish only (250-300 gallon) tank with 250 pounds of live rock about 10 years ago. My dad purchased it and had no idea how to take care of it, I did the best I could but when I went to college he had to dismantle it and sell it off. We didn't have the best luck with it and the more I learn now, the more I realize how lucky we were to have the succes we did. It was a very basic set up compaired to what I learn about now and we had some pretty crazy fish in it. I'm looking at buying a house in the next year and as soon as I find the right place and buy it the first thing I will do is make a 400+ gallon in wall predator tank with sharks and rays. Sticking with my nano reef and 55 gallon african cichilid tank for now due to the fact that I rent and don't want to move a huge tank.

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