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AC3 question

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service name is just something for your use, so you can tell what apps are using a specific port (i call mine "apex")

for TCP or UDP, select "both" if you can, if you can only select one, select TCP

starting field is going to be whatever port your ACIII specifies (probably 80)

ending will be the same as starting

server IP is going to be the IP specified by your ACIII (probably

let me give it try....b>ression.gif
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i think im going to give it rest for a bit but thank you so much for your help Victoly i really do appreciate you guys on here

alright, I'll PM you my cell # if you want to text me later for a more immediate response. on the condition that you post whatever solution you find to help others on the quest to the holy grail of reef automation.

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alright, I'll PM you my cell # if you want to text me later for a more immediate response. on the condition that you post whatever solution you find to help others on the quest to the holy grail of reef automation.

Victoly why you no be like chipotle and make it easy?

fish.gif This posts reassures me that my future job in computers is here to stay devil.gif

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Every ounce of respect I had for you just went out the door with this comment. LOL

Is the apex working yet? gimmie your URL when its done, we wanna play with your lights and pumps >smile.png

O BOY! gun.gif
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