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AC3 question

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I use noip.com for mine. You install the tool on one of your pc's and it will keep the external site aprised of your home IP Address.

You may also need to punch a hole in your firewall and redirect external requests to your controller's specific IP Address if you have multiple items on your network.

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I use noip.com for mine. You install the tool on one of your pc's and it will keep the external site aprised of your home IP Address.

You may also need to punch a hole in your firewall and redirect external requests to your controller's specific IP Address if you have multiple items on your network.

LOL might want to check your noip.com program, your URL signature is broken.

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I use noip.com for mine. You install the tool on one of your pc's and it will keep the external site aprised of your home IP Address.

You may also need to punch a hole in your firewall and redirect external requests to your controller's specific IP Address if you have multiple items on your network.

LOL might want to check your noip.com program, your URL signature is broken.

Yeah, no-ip is fine but I messed up my setup yesterday when I removed Java from my main machine at home (due to the zero day java vulnerability http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/08/31/critical_flaw_found_in_patched_java/) Hope to find time to triage it tonight.

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that doo dad is probably the wireless dongle smile.png

Chad do you have a controller on your tank?

Lol...if you say so.

I have an AC Jr. It's the old version (blue face and not even close to being onlne, if it even could). I sold my AC3 to Grim. The guy I got it from got out of the hobby and we purchased everything he had that was reef related as a package. He was able to get online which is why I was wondering if that part would help Grim although Im not sure if this a hardware issue.

Grim, it you are interested, just text me or PM anytime. I always give the courtesy of a response.

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that doo dad is probably the wireless dongle smile.png

Chad do you have a controller on your tank?

Lol...if you say so.

I have an AC Jr. It's the old version (blue face and not even close to being onlne, if it even could). I sold my AC3 to Grim. The guy I got it from got out of the hobby and we purchased everything he had that was reef related as a package. He was able to get online which is why I was wondering if that part would help Grim although Im not sure if this a hardware issue.

Grim, it you are interested, just text me or PM anytime. I always give the courtesy of a response.

will do thanks
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I have an apex, and not an AC3, so they're slightly different, but I'd be glad to try and help, over the forum or phone at the very least. Not sure if i'll be able to get away from the house this weekend. Just to be clear, are you able to access it internally from your own network?

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I have an apex, and not an AC3, so they're slightly different, but I'd be glad to try and help, over the forum or phone at the very least. Not sure if i'll be able to get away from the house this weekend. Just to be clear, are you able to access it internally from your own network?

yup works fine but once im outside my network it will say "connection failed"
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what is the make/model of your router? Is the AC3 connected via ethernet cable or wireless access point? who is your ISP?

NETGEAR wnr1000 v3

Time Warner

ac3 is plug with ethernet cable to an access point downstairs and the router is upstairs

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have you opened up the port that you setup with your dynamic dns on your router? your ACIII will have an option to use a particular port.

http://support.herefilefile.com/entries/171529-how-to-forward-ports-on-a-netgear-wnr1000-v2 - here is how you forward the port on your router. you're going to pick whatever port is selected on your ACIII (usually this is 80)

if your dynamic dns forwarding is set up correctly, you should access your acIII like this (using your noip address)

grim.noip.com:80 where 80 is whatever port you setup on your acIII

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In the Service Name field, type "HereFileFile" WHAT WOULD BE THE SERVICE NAME?

In the Service Type field, select TCP/UDP.?

In the Starting Port field, enter the lower of the port numbers shown on the Mac app status screen?

In the Ending Port field, enter the higher of the port numbers shown on the Mac app status screen?

In the Server IP Address field, enter the IP address shown on the Mac app status screen?

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service name is just something for your use, so you can tell what apps are using a specific port (i call mine "apex")

for TCP or UDP, select "both" if you can, if you can only select one, select TCP

starting field is going to be whatever port your ACIII specifies (probably 80)

ending will be the same as starting

server IP is going to be the IP specified by your ACIII (probably

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