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Input wanted: 5 gallon office setup


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If you do decide you want an anemone, I would go with a condy. I kept one in a 5 gal tank for my thesis experiment for about 2-3 months and it was perfectly happy as long as it had enough flow and I remembered to feed it. Plus, they're cheap if it happens to die...

Will clowns host condys? I've heard of condy's eating fish - not sure it's worth the risk in such a small tank??

Yes, the Clarkii will. The Clarkii is the least host specific clownfish. My parent fish host a condy, and I gave the babies one as well. So far, none gone/disappeared. (Trust me, I count them regularly!) The condy they had (now in a home with Sifuentes) was used to having about 10 babies crammed in it at once as well.

I think the biggest mistake people make is feeding anemones silversides, which conditions them to literally eat their symbiont. I only ever feed the anemones small pieces of thawed shrimp, and even clownfish food.

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Had back to school night tonight. Since I don't have any kids, I used the time to set up the tank. I'll take pictures tomorrow once the sand settles. Not much to look at yet, but etannert is donating a nice rock, mushroom and maybe another coral :). I'm excited. I can't wait to find out what the teachers think!

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LOL. Totally understand. The tank looks awesome now thanks to you!! When I finally get a minute to sit down, I plan on taking a picture. I got a small clown the other day and he started hosting the fuzzy green mushroom within a couple of hours. I'm so excited about it! And the teachers all love it too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everybody on my campus loves this tank! I'm even using it to help build rapport with students and modify behavior. There's one student that gets to come and feed the fish during his advisory class if his teachers confirm that he's had a good day. Unfortunately, today was not a good day. But I told him I'll check in again next week.

All my teachers love it. They have so many questions. They can't believe that everything in there is a living organism. "You mean the purple is an algae? I just thought you bought the rock painted from some store." grin.png

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