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I'm new to the game and haven't gotten to delve into the programming yet.

I am aiming to turn on a pump for 25 seconds/day starting at 08:30am. Here is what I have:

Fallback OFF

OSC 510:00/000:25/930:00 Then ON

It's not working and I'm puzzled as to why. Any Apex gurus want to impart knowledge on me? TIA.


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Ok well first off looking at yours and comparing it to mine you have 3 sections of timing.

OSC First section/second section/third section.

First section is the initial time off so looking at yours once you start it Its off for 510 minutes

Second sections is time on so yours comes on for 25 seconds.

Last one is off time and yours is off for 930.00.

So what are you trying to accomplish with this? If you want it on only for 25 seconds I think setting it up as a feeder would be a better idea. And how do you know it's not working? You have to wait for 8.5 hours before it will come on for the 25 seconds? Just curious with all the delay how you are monitoring whether it is coming on or not.

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I think hes using this as a mixing pump or something maybe on a kalk reactor. Are you wanting it to cycle at certain durations during a 24hr period?

Fallback OFF


OSC 000:35/000:25/0 Then ON

If Time 00:00 to 8:30 Then OFF

You would need to change the "000:35" to get your off times. If every 3 hours then "180:00" ect.

From the apex guide:

So when testing your program, make sure

you consider the current time of day when you attempt to verify whether your oscillate statement is

working properly or not. If your times don‟t evenly divide into 1440 then the controller goes all the way back to

January 1, 1996 and calculates from there. Good luck figuring out if it should be on/off!

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Still think the time one is simpler than trying to go with a oscillating program. That OSC programming is just for making oscillation programming. We aren't doing that here. Just set it up to come on at x time and go off 25 seconds later. Added benefit that you can watch the time on the Apex and it should come on at that time. If it doesn't you got a problem.

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Ahh, thanks guys. I think you guys pointed me in the right direction. The problem is not the function itself (well maybe, it's more complicated then needed)... the problem is with the testing. The OSC was set up to restart/refresh at midnight and so 510 minutes later, it should turn on at 8:30. Since I programmed this morning expecting it to turn on at 8:30, that wasn't going to happen.. because it will turn on and cycle 510 minutes after I set it up.

However, at midnight tonight, it should reset and turn on at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Is this a correct assumption?

Thanks for all the help guys. I really need to delve into this code a bit more.


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Ahh, thanks guys. I think you guys pointed me in the right direction. The problem is not the function itself (well maybe, it's more complicated then needed)... the problem is with the testing. The OSC was set up to restart/refresh at midnight and so 510 minutes later, it should turn on at 8:30. Since I programmed this morning expecting it to turn on at 8:30, that wasn't going to happen.. because it will turn on and cycle 510 minutes after I set it up.

However, at midnight tonight, it should reset and turn on at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Is this a correct assumption?

Thanks for all the help guys. I really need to delve into this code a bit more.


Also remember the 510 is just the initial time out from then on it will turn on for 25 seconds every 930 minutes or ever 15.5 hours by my calculations. So it won't be a 24 hour cycle, it will be a twice every 31 hours.

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