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Noob guy right here


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Hey guys my name is Ryan I just moved into Austin about a month ago and heard about this club through a friend. I have a 46g bowfront and a 29g Bio cube im just starting up. Been doing saltwater for about a year not long but I can't wait to learn more. Talk with you guys soon!

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Thanks and I guess I will start with the 46. Me and my dad share this tank. Before I get yelled at I would like to point out that I do have a yellow and a scopas tang im this tank. I know it is too small for them but they arnt very big and we will probably give to a friend of mine. We have two occ. Clowns, four blue chromis, the tangs, engineer goby, pink tipped enemone, decorator crab, blue fiddler crab, hermits and snails, green lettuce nudibranch, arrow crab, cleaner shrimp, 2 peppermints, and I think maybe a couple of other things. But that's basically it. My biocube just got hit hard with ich this morning and all my fish are flipping out right now so im working on that. But I have one black and white Australian black clown with a regular occ. Clown, a falco hawkfish, a domino, a zebra striped chromis I think, and a yellowtail damsel. Some snails and hermits a mini green carpet anemone, a green hairy mushroom and some other corals my roommate gave me. That's basically it. Not sure how to post pictures.

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