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Thoughts on Tangs


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I’m in need of some advise on adding another tang but first my tank is a 75gal (4’ long) and is about 60% open water. For livestock I have one of the clowns is about to go away.

Maroon clown (sm)

Ocelaris clown (sm to med)

Royal gamma (sm to med)

Coral beauty (med)

Convict blennie (med)

Yellow tang (med)

I would like to add another tang or at least another open swimmer. Any thoughts…is my tank to small … I should just forget about it… is it took risky with a yellow tang already in there. These are the tangs I was thinking about adding (I am only adding 1)

White Tail Bristle tooth Tang

Powder blue tang

Powder brown

Blue Hippo Tang

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How long has the yellow been in the tank ? Your best bet is a hippo but still risking it. If you are able to remove and qt the yellow for a day or so while adding the next tang that will help or if you add wait till lights are out then add the new tang

But if its a establish yellow its hard to add another one in your size tank

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I'd lean toward something like a Yellow-Eyed Kole Tang.

The hippo will outgrow the tank and the powder brown/blue tend to have a lot of problems with ich. The Kole tang is hardy and will help keep your glass clean, and is a lot of fun to watch.

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I would avoid the hippo (too big, ich magnet, expensive) and the powders for the same reasons. I would go with a mimic, tomini, or kole. You could also do a purple maybe, but they are mean as heck and pricey. The mimics are the ones I see most often locally, but any can be had online.

Two tangs in a 75 will likely draw the tang police, but since I just dropped a naso into mine you will not get much grief from me. :)

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I second the yellow eye or a similar kole or tomini tang. They are great fish. They are more interested in film algae than macros, in case that's in the equation. A foxface might be a good alternative as well. I personally think foxface have more fun personalities than tangs. They are very nice fish, but many people don't find them as attractive as tangs. A yellow eye kole is tough to beat no matter what fish you're comparing it to.

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I aboslutely love my chevron tang. He is very peaceful and gets along with my Hippo very well. I HATE THE TANG POLICE. Its just people who believe everything they read without real life experience. Ive seen MANY smaller tanks thrive with fat happy tangs. If they outgrow the tank, it just gives you a excuse to upsize your tank.

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I would avoid the hippo (too big, ich magnet, expensive) and the powders for the same reasons. I would go with a mimic, tomini, or kole. You could also do a purple maybe, but they are mean as heck and pricey. The mimics are the ones I see most often locally, but any can be had online.

Two tangs in a 75 will likely draw the tang police, but since I just dropped a naso into mine you will not get much grief from me. smile.png

"Tang Police" Very cute, I like that. About a year ago, I had 7 small hippos in a 75G tank. They were fun to watch in a school, chasing the "Tange Heaven Red" seaweed in the vertical loop current. I did get some diss from the "Tang Police.".

Kole, also called Yellow Eye Tang are hard to beat. They eat a different algae film than the Yellow Tang.


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I would upgrade in the next 2 years or so. I kinda wish I had gotten a fox face instead of a yellow tang just because tangs can be intolerant of other tangs. Would the yellow harass the kole or would the shape matter

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Honestly its going to come down to your yellow tangs personality if he even allows another tang. And all tangs will outgrow a 75 lol so wouldn't matter if you got the hippo or kole. Not sure how a hippo is ich magnet. all tangs get ich easy in my opinion

A purple may be a good one to try as they are just as aggressive. You won't know what's going to happen until you add the new tang

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I have a Yellow, Yellow eyed Kole and scopas in my new tank and in that size order. They took a bit to establish hierarchy and will 'tail push' every once in awhile, but I love them. The Kole is a ton of fun to watch and the least territorial. They are all different and you will have to play by ear. Best of luck.

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I added a naso to mine not I long ago and he tried to rule the tank for a couple days an picked on my wrasse but then got over it once my female clown put him in his place. An now they all get along. The first few days together are the key also how u introduce the new fish just like any new fish to the rest of the tankmates. I made sure to feed a lil extra just to make sure they didn't fight over food for the first few weeks as well. Best of luck.

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Weeee, oooooo, weeee, oooooo!

Tang police on the case!

(That said, I have a sailfin in a 75. He's about 4-5 inches nose to tail. And I can't wait until he gets bigger so I can upgrade. devil.gif )

Adding another will be dependent on the yellow. If you want to avoid issues, get one from a different genus at least. And definitely put the new guy in some type of container(guinea pig ball, floating breeder box, etc) to acclimate.

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I think it's usually the tang battalion and not police. I've never seen such fervor for any other species of fish or really animal in general. I think someone should do a documentary on how the tang armada got its roots.

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