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Greetings Enthusiasts!


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Hello everyone!

I just joined the club and thought I should say hi :)

I've always wanted to start a saltwater tank ever since high school, but I never had the resources or time until now. I'm looking to start out with a nano reef setup (30 G). As my user name suggests, I'm a total noob at this. So, I figured that being part of the community would make this adventure much more enjoyable.

PS I haven't any supplies yet, so if anyone is has anything for sale let me know!


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+1 to what Kim said I bought a awesome 85g tank for 400$ on craigslist and it was on here also I just didn't see the ad. If you got any questions feel free to PM me I am pretty much a noob myself so I may have to refer you back here but sometimes its easier to ask someone who is fairly new to the hobby...there are no dumb questions :)


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Welcome aboard! Tell us a bit about what you're looking to have in your tank? Fish, corals, anemones, you name it. The more info you provide the more advice we can give.

Also, you should definitely come to our meeting this month (August 18th, 3pm). The topic is nano biotopes and you'll get to see Teresa's nano setups to give you an idea of what is possible in your tank.

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