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Macro at the coast


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This Scroll Algae was abundant on the rocks of the South Jetty.


Very abundant. I did not think it was palpable even if the above discription says that it is tasty.


I am not certain on this identification. This was collected on the rocks and was a dull red with blue iridisance.

With respect to collecting at the South Jetty, the water is clearest when the tide is rising. I would think that it would be best for collecting shrimps and gobies duing a rising high tide. Macro is easily collected during low tide.

While walking in the surf wavewash, I collected several tubes that look like feather dusters. I will focus on this for a later trip.

La bonne temps roulee,


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I do not for sure about the feather duster tubes.

Yes, each one of the macros linked were collected on the jetties. Also while walking in the wave wash, I saw abundant sand bed clams.


If you go with their price of $3 each, I should have brought a truck load back.


Another new for me was a slurp gun for sucking Ghost Shrimp out of the sand. Brad, KimP's husband, demonstrated the art to me. I bought one of these slurp guns and will make it available thru ARC.

I will go back to the coast. For me, October thru March is more desirable.


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. . . http://marineplantbo...inebookulva.htm

Very abundant. I did not think it was palpable even if the above discription says that it is tasty. . .

Pat, is it possible you do not have a refined enough pallet to discern the suttle distinctions of wild grown macro algaes? smile.png

Does it look like any of them are growing yet? (I'm assuming you brought back some to grow?)

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Here's some pictures of that critter pump that sucks out ghost shrimp, some roach looking thing, and apparently brittle stars. We only found ghost shrimp. It was so fun! You push this pump into the sand, pull back on the plunger, lift it out of the sand, and push the plunger down, squirting out the sand and water you sucked up. The critter will usually be there! Supposedly they are great bait.




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I've always wanted to try scroll algae. Did the tubes end up to be feather dusters?

We collected five nice specimens with a good holdfast foot. Teresa was going to bring you one but she was running late and wanted to get home. Come get one of these. I have two in my 135G lagoon and one in a 10G refugium.


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I've always wanted to try scroll algae. Did the tubes end up to be feather dusters?

We collected five nice specimens with a good holdfast foot. Teresa was going to bring you one but she was running late and wanted to get home. Come get one of these. I have two in my 135G lagoon and one in a 10G refugium.


Never fear - I still have the scroll algae for Kim, we're just figuring out times when we can meet :)

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