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Announcing the August ARC Meeting


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Okay, so I know this is last minute, but does anyone have either a projector or the cords I would need to hook my laptop up to a tv. I made what I think is a pretty cool short video slide show and it would be much better to view on a larger screen. Please let me know if you can help!

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What kind of cables we need? vga? DVI? DVI to HDMI? Anyways I will through some in the truck that I can find real quick. All this rain this morning got me running behind so I am only going to be able to stop by for a few minutes :( Anyways see you guys there!

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What kind of cables we need? vga? DVI? DVI to HDMI? Anyways I will through some in the truck that I can find real quick. All this rain this morning got me running behind so I am only going to be able to stop by for a few minutes sad.png Anyways see you guys there!

In need of vga cable.

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Bah sorry guys, had to take my daughter to a eye appointment and that took longer than I thought, then my ex called and she had a emergency call in to work so I had to head back to pick up my little one :( seriously bummed wanted to meet all you guys! Anyways hope you guys had fun and sorry I didn't make it.

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Had a great time! Thank you everyone for coming all the way out to Pflugerville. That was my first time hosting and presenting to the club. All of you made me feel welcome and at ease - thanks :)

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Thanks for hosting!

It was a great meeting. Glad to see the usual crowd and a few new people.

Wyatt enjoyed his first meeting, but was a little sad he didn't hit a raffle prize.... maybe next time. Melissa enjoyed chatting with many of you as well, thanks for making her feel welcome.

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Teresa, thank you for your generosity of opening up your home to the ARC community. I really enjoyed your biotheme presentation. Your tanks are unique in their individual personalitys. Very nice.


Thank you for a sprig of this macro. It looks very nice displayed next to Sea Robin.

La bonne temps roulee,


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