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Back into reefing after a while.


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Hello Everyone,

I have had a 90g reef for about 8 years now. Well it barely qualified as a reef for the last few years. I seemed to have lost the fun in reefs for a while. Well I think I found it again. Spent the last 2 months getting my tank cleaned up. Lots of water changes, scrubbing with a tooth brush and the tank is starting to look really good. Looking forward to reading the forum again.


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Thanks guys. Just finished adding 2 new TLF reactors to the tank. One for GFO and the other for carbon. Running out of room in the sump now. Guess I will have to start adding fish and coral now. Still need to get some chaeto for the fuge. Have not found any at the fish stores this week.

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Welcome back! Plenty of our members have chaeto available when they do water changes, so you should be able to pick some up free. Worst case we can arrange to have some at our August meeting. Hope to see you there!

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