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Spotted Hawkfish - $15


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I am looking to get rid of my Spotted Hawkfish.

I love this guy and have had him for over 4 years, but it's time for him to go. He really normally has a great personallity and I love the way he perches... but...

He has been harassing my Sailfin Tang too much. He doesn't actually fight/nip him, just constantly bothers him. And it's not even that he is attacking him, just makes the sailfin dart to the other side of the aquarium where my giant RBTA lives. This makes me nervous. I swear that Sailfin spends almost as much time in the RBTA as the clowns do.

I want to get a small school of anthias and I know he will bother them, so he is out!

He is rather large 3-4" and FAT.

He will eat any ornamental shrimp, so don't even try it. Also may pick on smaller fish. He would do best with fish larger than him.

I am in Cedar Park, and will try to get him out as soon as I have a buyer.

Will entertain trades for decent zoas.

3 Amigos

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