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Fragging Corky Sea Finger Gorg


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I have one of these gorgs.

I'm going to nip off one of the limbs, trim the flesh near that trimmed spot, and glue it into a pre-drilled hole in a chunk of rock.

My question is regarding the wound created on the side of the 'mother' colony. Should I do anything to treat that wound, or leave it be?

Never done this before.

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I've done it many times. I just used a nice sharp tool to make a clean cut without pinching the tissue, then left it alone and it healed over fairly fast. If you wanted you could always dip it. I never did. A funny thing happened one time where instead of resuming growth at that cut, it put out a branch at a 90 degree angle. That was one funny looking gorg :)

It's pretty simple! Have fun!

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This is good news and makes me feel a little better about this operation. I may loot a chunk of live rock out of the mantis' tank for this tonight. This gorg has taken off and probably doubled in size over the last 4 months.

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I finally fragged this thing tonight. Cool experience for me.

I had to bust up a large chunk of live rock to get a small piece to mount the gorg frag to. So I swiped a smallish piece out of the mantis tank and smacked it with a hammer a few times and achieved the desired result. It was interesting to see 3 different worms emerge, along with two small crabs, and two snails. All this life inside the rock that I never see. smile.png

Took the pieces and returned them to the mantis tank, then drilled the piece for the gorg frag. Fragged the gorg.

Much easier than expected. zip zip zip and done. I made my cuts artistically. Made it symetrical but the frag was on a side piece, used to being more horizontal. Will it adjust to being more vertically positioned? Or will it be always droopy? Should I re frag and make it two separate pieces?

I think that would fix the droop but if it will stiffen up over time then I'd prefer to leave it as one colony..

Talk to me, I'm a noob tongue.png

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Drilled hole in chunk of live rock, pumped glue in, stuck trimmed gorg base into hole. Gorg is open but not at the proper angle. Maybe I'll be cheesy and glue two rocks together to achieve the correct position. :P

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