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how would someone go about and making a moonlight? I know most of the time it is just a blue LED but i am hesitant to just add lights. it seems so much science is put into the daylight bulbs in terms of spectrums, Kelvin, etc. thus moonlight can not be so simple as just an LED. moonlight must have a specific spectrum and intensity, to recreate that naturally has to be somewhat worth a bit of research. has anyone done this research or have a good idea?

ive tried researching but the internet has gen a huge array of spectrums and intensities. i have also heard a lot about using red light. but i dont believe that fish cant see red light. if that were so then it seems ridiculous there is so much red color in fish in the sea...

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On my old setup I just used a simple $4 blue/white LED nightlight from Walmart. If you are going to try to simulate the moon you are going to need more than a simple LED. You will need a controller that has a moon cycle feature. I think it is better for the fishies to have some total darkness for at least part of the night, so even with a moon light I would have it go off before morning. After all the best part of a moon light is to get to see what goes on in the tank after the lights go off and you don't need it on all night to accomplish that. :(

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Agreed. I use blue LEDs for mine and they are on from lights out at 11pm until midnight. I have heard of coral burn if they are left on too much, though I have never seen that in person.

Interesting ... I have never heard of the coral burn before. Was there particular corals that are affected?

I have my moonlights on 24/7 on my tank. They are not that powerful, just the two standard blue ones that come on the Aquapod 24g.

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Interesting. Well since I don't have SPS, I am not too worried. Was more asking as months back I lost a lot of Clove Polyps for no apparent reason (everything else was just peachy). But I recall there be a nother thread by someone who had the same thing happen...

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