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First SW Build


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Hello ARC!

Longtime freshwater enthusiast finally making the jump into saltwater. I've been reading the forums here for a while now, and would like to thank you all for inspiring me with your enthusiasm and willingness to help the ignorant such as myself!

Purchased a 40 breeder and 20l for the sump/fuge from Petco after waiting months for the dollar per gallon sale (I would have preferred to buy from an LFS, but couldn't pass up the deal!) after realizing I wanted more depth than the 55G, which is the largest available in the special, could offer. Also, the less I have to spend on lighting the better.

I plan on starting a build thread once I've gathered a few more necessary items and welcome any general tips you guys can offer!

Thanks again and can't wait to start giving back!

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Welcome, always glad to have another join the group. Take some pics to document your build and progress along the way, and don't every hesitate to ask for advice or just share your experience!

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I wish I would have started on a forum before I switched from fresh to SW. The hardest transition for me was the filtration system. Threw out my undergravel and went natural with a skimmer. I was too afraid to plumb that first tank hehe.

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