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Mated Seahorses

Niko's Reef

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I recently got two Kuda seahorses that were supposed to be mated. How do you know if they are truly mated? I'm concerned that they weren't. I don't see a lot of interaction between them. Male seems more active, which is opposite of what I read. Try's to interact with the female, but she just seems not interested. For the most part, she is off to herself. Both look healthy and are eating fine. All of my levels are perfect. If they weren't mated, is it true they only mate once? I wanted to see them dance, but that's not happening so far. Only had them since Tuesday afternoon. The male was shy as well for the 1st few days. Does this just take time? Luckily I'm at work today, and got plenty of time to do research. Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks in Advance, Travis

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I've never had kudas. In the erectus I kept, the m/f that paired up did end up only dancing with each other, but after I lost that male, another just took his place. I would give it time. I'd say you know they are a mated pair after they produce fry. Check out seahorse.org for just about any seahorse info you could need. Extremely knowledgeable people over there.

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Thanks Kim for the input. I was hoping that was the case. I was just fixing to hit up that site, and was going to google the Kuda species as well. From what I seen in my previous research, they had great reviews and info. I know you have a feeding dish as well from your previous post. Trying to get them used to that as well. Thinking that turning off the pumps would help.

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The forum on seahorse.org is very very helpful. Get yourself a username and post some questions. The people on that site are highly knowledgeable. Be sure to specify that you are new, excited about the new venture and looking for advice/input on anything. Sometimes I've seen them rag on people for not having the proper set up, but if you make yourself open to learning new things, they are very supportive in getting you on the right track.

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Thanks Teresa and Kim. had to reset my password, because I hadn't been on there for months. Once I reset it, I found out exactly what I needed. I was thinking of Seahorsesorce.com when I stated about the review. Today when I feed them, they danced immediately after. How awesome! They have been attached together all day and have danced a few times. This is such an amazing experience.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I added 2 pipefish and 6 peppermint today. Thanks Reefninja. I wasn't able to get to see the interaction, because I had to leave to work right after I got them acclimated. Interested to see how they are interacting when I get off. Read that they like to ride the pipefish's tail. They were really interested in both of the bags, and looked ready for some playmates.

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